Passion Blog Brainstorming

Ever since I was a baby, I’ve been fortunate enough to travel the world. I have hiked the Swiss Alps, climbed Mayan temples and the Great Wall of China, explored the Parthenon and the Hagia Sophia of Istanbul, climbed the Eiffel Tower, swam the Indian Ocean, prayed at Thai Buddhist temples, and much more. Traveling is my passion; it makes me step out of my comfort zone and learn much more than I ever could in a classroom. Seeing the rich and the poor, understanding life in other countries, learning and experiencing the rich culture and unique foods and meeting so many new people keeps my soul alive. The diversity of our world is an incredible gift, and I will never stop learning and exploring until the day I die. An idea for my passion blog is to talk about traveling. I would talk about places that I’ve been and experiences I’ve had as well as plans that I have for the future (trekking the Peruvian Andes and road-tripping across the United States).

I am also really passionate about photography – especially analog and documentary photography. Another idea for my passion blog is to find a photographer each week, either on Magnum or on Museum webpages, and write about their work. Some photographers I would investigate include Nan Goldin, Larry Clark, Bruce Davidson, Sebastião Salgado, and many others. Looking at other people’s work is extremely beneficial to all artists because it can give insight on our own projects. Doing this would keep me in the photography loop by learning, thinking and analyzing.

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2 thoughts on “Passion Blog Brainstorming

  1. Wow that would be so interesting to talk about your travels, since I have not traveled much myself. I love to learn about different cultures, so your blog is something I definitely want to read. Like the previous commenter said, maybe you could incorporate native photographers or include photos you took yourself while in those places!

  2. I love both of these ideas, do you have pictures from your trips and/or photographers that have taken pictures there, so you can kind of do both? It’s amazing that you’ve traveled so much, I’m jealous!

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