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Navigating the MUTCD

2009 MUTCD cover

If you have ever had to use the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) you know how extensive and difficult to read the text can be. I recently completed a project for the Defense Logistics Agency at the New Cumberland location that included the removal, replacement, and installation of over 400 signs. The MUTCD was paramount in researching the standards and regulations set by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. It should be noted that traffic control devices are also regulated at the state and local levels, however I primarily relied on the federal regulations as my project was on an installation owned by the U.S. government.

The manual is comprised of over 800 pages and is broken into ten (10) parts. Each part has their own chapter and each chapter has their own section. There is a PDF version of the document that makes it a little easier to traverse through, however it is still a good bit of text to read. With the help of a coworker I was lucky enough to find a third party website that had compiled all of the MUTCD data together into digital signs. This website had each part, chapter, and section broken down to display photos of every sign along with its description, use, and specifications.

This website is called the Manual of Traffic Signs and is presented by Moeurgineering, PLLC (Moeurgineering). It is very user friendly with the main page providing an index of every sign type (regulatory, warning, temporary, etc.). After selecting a sign type, such as regulatory, you’re taken to a page that lists every regulatory sign available in the MUTCD. You find the series of signs that you’re looking for and selecting this takes you to a page with every sign listed for that series. Each sign listed on this page has a thumbnail photo and links to a larger photo, PDF image, sign design and layout details, and the MUTCD regulations pertaining to the selected sign.

This website made my project sign research a thousand times easier. I fully recommend it if you ever find yourself in need of information on traffic control devices.

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