Contact us!

Student Programs Lab Manager:

Sam Highfield | email:

STP Coordinator:

Sam Highfield | email:

332 EE East, University Park, PA 16802

Lab Phone Number: (814)-867 2256

Faculty Director:
Dr. Sven Bilén | email:
223 Engin Des & Innov Bldg, University Park, PA 16802Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Jesse McTernan | email:
313A EDI Bldg., University Park, PA 16802


Get Involved!

SSPL exists thanks to the dedication of countless students, the guidance of faculty, and the generous support of our sponsors. If you’d like to become involved in SSPL, whether you are a student, faculty member, or potential sponsor, this page will guide you to the appropriate point of contact.

Previous experience, while appreciated, is never a requirement for starting on SSPL projects. A good way to become involved is to simply stop by the Lab during the week or swing by one of our projects’ meetings. Times and points of contact are listed below.