Alfredo Bellon, MD, PhD

photohandler-2Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology
Department: Psychiatry and Pharmacology
Phone: 717-531-0003 x286260


Research Interests:
Disease modeling,  cell fate/transdifferentiation, pathophysiological and molecular aspects of schizophrenia.
Neural system
Cell/Cellular compartments:
Neurons, monocytes
Signaling pathways: 
cellular responses to dopamine, ketamine etc.,
Focus Group: Neuroscience;

Research description: Translational/Basic
Using the transdifferentiation model for the generation of neuronal-like cells from blood circulating monocytes, Bellon’s laboratory studies how cellular responses to neurotransmitters and other compounds in neuronal-like cells from patients with schizophrenia differ from those in normal individuals.

Technical expertise: directed differentiation of primary monocytes to neuron-like cells.

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