Category Archives for Uncategorized

The Titan Cronus and Generational Replacement

Most people know about the Greek gods, but many are unaware of how they came to be and how they maintained their status as the deities in power. Greek mythology is told in generations. To simplify the story, first was … Continue reading

30. November 2022 by jif5419
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Narcissus, The Misunderstood

  The story of Echo and Narcissus tells us of human desire, warning us against our own being. Echo was a nymph, meaning a spiritual earth creature, on Mount Cithaeron. Although many gods took a liking to Echo, Zeus used … Continue reading

09. November 2022 by jif5419
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The Myth of Sisyphus and Absurdity

The King of Corinth, Sisyphus, was the Greek character most famous for his punishment in the afterlife. Sisyphus spent his mortal life attempting to deceive both humans and the gods, and escaped the consequences for his actions many times through … Continue reading

02. November 2022 by jif5419
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King Minos, Daedalus, and Philosophy??

Daedalus, taught by the goddess Athena, was the most talented inventor in all of Greek mythology, and many were threatened by his skills, including King Minos. The story of Daedalus and his son, Icarus, became more complicated when Daedalus was … Continue reading

25. October 2022 by jif5419
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Atalanta: A Women Breaking Barriers

Atalanta was the female hero of Greek mythology. She was the hunter known to be better than many men, and her name even means “equal in weight,” displaying her equal abilities, even in a time when men dominated the stories … Continue reading

19. October 2022 by jif5419
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Oedipus and His Complex

Oedipus, who was the son of King Laius of Thebes and a woman named Jocasta, was destined to create the Freudian theory of the Oedipus Complex. One day, the king received a prophecy from the Oracle of Delphi that Oedipus … Continue reading

13. October 2022 by jif5419
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Medusa and Athena

Trigger Warning: Mentions of Sexual Assault/Rape Everyone knows about Medusa’s story: she is the green mythological monster with snakes for hair who can turn any creature to stone. But Medusa’s story goes much deeper than this simple description. Medusa is … Continue reading

04. October 2022 by jif5419
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Pandora’s Jar

Pandora’s Box is one of the most referenced pieces of mythology seen in western culture today. The box metaphor is used in a variety of ways, including to indicate something precious or problems-ridden. Personally, I see references to this myth … Continue reading

28. September 2022 by jif5419
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

The Infamous Achilles’ Heel

Is the story of the Achilles heel even real? Let’s back up, and I’ll explain. Achilles was the son of the goddess Thetis and King Peleus of Phthia. Achilles is most known for his role in the Trojan war, fighting … Continue reading

15. September 2022 by jif5419
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

The Myth of Arachne

  Why is absolute conformity so important in ancient Greece… and in our world? The story of spiders and absolute allegiance to the divine. In ancient Greece, the myth of Arachne came about with a woman who was famous for … Continue reading

08. September 2022 by jif5419
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