Jennifer Graham-Engeland (PI of the MESH lab) was recently awarded the 2024 Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award. This award, given to one individual at Penn State each year by the Graduate School Alumni Society, honors a faculty member who has provided exemplary leadership that benefits graduate students and faculty in an existing graduate program. Here she is receiving the award from PSU president Dr. Bendapudi in late March.

This award is a capstone to Graham-Engeland’s work with the Biobehavioral Health (BBH) graduate program, as she is stepping down as the director of the program as of May 20, 2024 after 7 years of service. In response to an earlier social media post from the BBH department, Dr. G wrote “I want to say that the success of our graduate program has been a group effort… our faculty, students, admin team (Shannon Anthony!), and our Dept. Head Dr. Tom Gould, who deserves a lot of credit. But it was lovely to see the success of our program and students being recognized!”. She has also said that “helping and mentoring graduate students has been a particularly satisfying part of my work”.

Although she will miss working so directly with the graduate program, she looks forward to a new phase of helping faculty and mentees in her new role as Associate Director of the Center for Healthy Aging, and in her ongoing role as Professor of BBH.

The full article on the award is here.

Congratulations, Dr. Graham-Engeland!