
In Fall 2021, we conducted surveys and individual interviews to understand Stuckeman international students’ (SISs) engagement experiences. We also believe that SISs’ voices should be heard by more people at Stuckeman and beyond. Listening to SISs’ needs and stories motivated us to arrange a public promotion for international students.

voice to be seen

Our collaborators (Megan Rose Skosnick, Victoria Millsap, and Cameron E Soravilla) made beautiful champaign design and we distributed them in Stuckeman School buildings (Stuckeman Family Building and Borland Building). “Voice to be seen” is a great way to visualize international students’ voices of their experiences.



Here we organize the interview results into several themes. We hope this DI fellowship project can be a starting point to better serve our SISs’ and improve overall engagement experiences at Stuckeman.