Kerry’s Experience in Florence, Italy

Kerry Donnelly

Kerry participated on the Florence, Italy: The World of Business and Italian Culture, DEPT BUS Program during the Summer of 2015.

If you could give only one reason, why would you suggest other students study abroad?

If I could only give one reason to study abroad, it would be to grant yourself the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture and discover new passions within yourself.

How have you used the skills you learned abroad now that you are back; either in job searching, or in other activities?

Through my business class I took with PSU professors Norm Aggon and Ron Johnson, I was given the opportunity to have hands on supply chain experience which has already impressed recruiters I have been talking to.

Share a particular story of an experience where you interacted from someone in your host culture in a way that taught you something about yourself, your host country, or the world in general. Describe the experience and what you learned.

On my very last morning in Florence, I was flustered trying to find a phone to call my taxi to the airport. A local friend I had made called the taxi service for my roommates and I, and even bought us a farewell croissant and cappuccino. The sweet lady at the bar next door, which is an Italian coffee shop, hugged us goodbye and wished us the best. It was such a fitting way to end a 6 week journey with so much love from the beautiful country of Italy.

Kerry Florence 2
Kerry next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa, Italy

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