A Village Which Resembled a Kibbutz

Blog post 3- Thailand A few days ago we were boating through mangrove forests around Phuket, Thailand. We passed a small fishing village and our driver offered to dock the boat so that we could see the village. We were given a tour by one of the elders. This was an amazing and eye-opening experience. By and large the people we met looked happy. Children were playing, some men were…

A welcoming culture

Thousands of tourists from dozens of countries flock to Thailand each year. Despite the diverse set of customs that these tourists bring with them, all are made to feel welcome by the Thai people. Through my daily interaction with the students on our trip from Kasetsart University, I have been consistently impressed by their deep expression of hospitality, respect, and their ability to remain calm and pleasant with heat, stress,…

Behavioral Economics in the Thai Rainforest

Yesterday we spent a couple hours climbing a 7 teared waterfall system in the rainforest. Monkeys hoped through the canopy above us and fish kissed our feet in the water bellow us. At the top on a fall, I took a second to admire the pristine state of the nature around us. Despite the fact that thousands of Americans, Russians, Chinese, Israeli, and Thai people climb these rocks every week,…