Tsunami Protection in Phuket

Cassia Phuket Beach Resort  Our time in Phuket was both incredibly fun and very informative. Aside from enjoying the beach as pictured and the beautiful sunsets that come with it, we also took time to learn how this part of the country has recovered from the Tsunami that absolutely devastated the local economy in 2004. One of the first things I noticed when I stepped outside the van was the…

Tham Luang Cave Rescue – Other Perspectives

On Friday May 10th we spoke with several faculty and other professionals who were involved at different levels with the Tham Luang Cave rescue. The cave rescue occurred in 2018 after 12 young Thai soccer players and their coach became trapped in Tham Luang due to rising water levels following a large storm. These boys were several kilometers deep into the cave and had no way of getting food or…

The BAAC and Thailand’s Farmers

Hi everyone! For my final Thailand project, I will be discussing how the nation’s geography affect their economic structure and plan to focus on the agriculture and service industries. During our first week in Thailand, we visited the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) to learn more about how they work to support the country’s many, many farmers. First, our whole group was very thankful for their hospitality as…