

I have the same information in two sections here:

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I graduated from PES University in Bangalore, India, with a B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, specializing in Signal Processing, and a minor in Computer Science. My thesis focused on using wireless sensor networks to prevent train derailments in India, and I was fortunate to be advised by Gp Capt. (Retd.) Suresh Padmanabhan.

Our work caught the attention of Shri. Piyush Goyal, the current Hon’ble Minister for Railways in India, who mentioned our approach (Building smarter (and safer) Indian Railways) in his plans for improving railway safety throughout the country. We were also able to present our work at the IEEE IC4 2018 conference in Thiruvananthapuram, India.

I was lucky to have the opportunity to work at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore on a project sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology (DST, Govt. of India). The project aimed to use speech signal processing to identify neurological conditions such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. As part of my assistantship, I worked with patients at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), collecting and analyzing their speech samples. My advisor was Dr. Prasanta Kumar Ghosh, and I have been able to publish our findings at conferences such as INTERSPEECH 2019, ICASSP 2020, and SPCOM 2020 (View the paper presentation video here).

At Penn State, I have been fortunate to collaborate with researchers from different departments, including the School of EECS and the College of IST. For my Master’s thesis, I worked with Dr. Saeed Abdullah to explore how federated learning can be used to preserve privacy while assessing depression. I was honored to have Dr. David Miller and Dr. Jing Yang serve on my thesis committee, and our paper on this work was accepted at ICASSP 2022!

You can visit the Talks section to view some of my presentations.


[Fun Stuff] My research Co-authorship distances are as follows (in no particular order):

  • Dijkstra number of 5.
  • Erdős number of 5.
  • In the deep learning community: Andrew Ng (3), Yann LeCun (3), Geoff Hinton (4), and Yoshua Bengio (4).



My Google Scholar profile can be viewed here.