Sparsity of a Family (4)

There are a couple of noteworthy facts related to the complement sparsity lemma we proved last time. First, the l-parameter of the extension can be generalized into any multiple of m: $$ \kappa \left[ {X \choose im} – Ext({\mathcal F}, im) \right] \ge i~ \kappa \left[ {X \choose m} – {\mathcal F} \right]. \quad \textrm{for}~ i \in \left[1, \frac{n}{m} \right]. $$ This is proven by induction on i with essentially the same arguments as our last proof, also as discussed on p. 13-14 of Paper 4. For a claim in a paper like Paper 3 to use for another proof, I usually just present the case i=2 for clear exposition.

It is clearly true for i=1 as the base case. For the induction step assuming it for i, we think of pairs (V, Y) such that \( Y \in Ext [{\mathcal F}, (i+1)m] \) and \( V \in Ext ({\mathcal F}, im) \cap {Y \choose i m} \). There are $$ |Ext( {\mathcal F}, im)| ~{n-i m \choose m}={n \choose im} v_i {n-i m \choose (i+1)m – im} = v_i {n \choose (i+1)m}{(i+1)m \choose im} $$ such pairs by the identity \( {n \choose m}{n – m \choose l-m}={n \choose l}{l \choose m}\), where \( v_i = e^{-\kappa [ Ext( {\mathcal F}, im ) ]} \).

To count \( (V’, Y) \) such that \( V’ \in {X \choose im} – Ext ({\mathcal F}, im) \), fix each \( V’ \) and place all \( U \in {\mathcal F} \) the same way as the figure last time. (Replace U’ there by V’. There may be \( U \) completely contained in the \( V’ \) unlike the last time. But this doesn’t change the argument.) Then there is an \( {\mathcal F}_j \) such that \( \kappa ({\mathcal F}_j ) \le \kappa ({\mathcal F}) \), so $$ |Ext[{\mathcal F}, (i+1)m][V’]|\ge {n -im \choose m} e^{-\kappa({\mathcal F})} = v_1 {n -im \choose m}, $$ producing the same number of \( (V’, Y) \). Their total for all \( V’ \) is \( v_1 (1- v_i ) {n \choose (i+1) m}{(i+1)m \choose im} \) or more seen the same way.

So, the total number of \( (V, Y) \) and \( (V’, Y) \) such that \( Y \in Ext[{\mathcal F}, (i+1)m] \) is at least $$ [v_i + v_1 (1- v_i ) ] {n \choose (i+1) m}{(i+1)m \choose im}.$$ Put \( z = 1 – v_1 \) to view this in terms of the complement sparsity of \( {\mathcal F} \) that is \( – \ln z \). The complement sparsity of \( Ext ({\mathcal F}, im ) \) equals \( – \ln (1 – v_i ) \) because \( \left| {X \choose im} – Ext ({\mathcal F}, im ) \right| = {n \choose im} e^{\ln (1-v_i) } \). It satisfies $$ – \ln (1 – v_i) \ge – i \ln z, \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad v_i \ge 1 – z^i, $$ by induction hypothesis.

Now the above lower bound is \( {n \choose (i+1) m}{(i+1)m \choose im} \) times $$ v_i + v_1 (1- v_i ) = v_1 + (1-v_1) v_i \ge 1-z + z (1-z^i) = 1 – z^{i+1}. $$ In other words, by the same last step as last time, the complement sparsity of \( Ext [{\mathcal F}, (i+1)m ] \) is at least i+1 times \( – \ln z \) that is the complement sparsity of \( {\mathcal F} \). This completes the induction step proving the above generalized bound.

Our second remark is that the obtained bound is approximately the best we could get. Let’s see it next time.

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