Week 3 Pt 2: BEYONCE

Beyoncé, a pop culture icon, has great influence over the media and millions of fans all over the world. Her image is that of what many consider the “ideal woman”. She is beautiful, curvy, fit, light skinned for a black woman, talented, charitable, etc. Being a powerful female public figure, though, does this send a bad image to those who follow her? Is she complying to high,  unobtainable standards that fit a desired mold in society? Is she really a feminist  as she claims to be? It’s debatable among many people.

I think a woman such as Beyoncé is empowering. She exudes confidence. I think she inspires young women to obtain that same pride without sending the message that you have to “look like this”, but just love yourself. It can  be argued that she is sexualizing herself, and that she shouldn’t, but where does it put us if we tell a grown woman she shouldn’t look or act a certain way? Bell Hooks believes her to be a “terrorist on feminism” or “anti-feminist”, but I think that implies a certain conservatism that women should embody, where as women should be free to make the choices they want to with their body.

I think Beyoncé breaks the double-standard. With her dress attire, her raunchy lyrics, and her lifestyle. Women are often told they can’t be “sexual”, where as men drop rap songs all about sex and objectifying women. That’s the “norm”, but god forbid a woman does it. A woman shouldn’t be shamed if they want to do the same and make money off it. I think she redefines gender roles. She has a family, she works hard, and she’s a boss. She has her own style and doesn’t seem to shame other women who contrast.

I believe that supporting other females’ decisions is an important part of being a feminist. If we are criticizing a woman’s attitude or choices, that puts us two steps back in the wrong direction. Unless somebody is being outright sexist or degrading others, I don’t find anyone in the place to make judgments or call for action against somebody. A man can do only so many things wrong and get criticized for it, where the list for a woman is endless. Everyone is entitled to their own freedom of expression.

We also have to keep in mind she is an adult. Maybe some young girls can get the wrong idea of how to look or how to act, but I’m not sure how much that is imposed compared to maybe someone age-relatable, maybe like Kylie Jenner. Even then, maybe that is not the problem. Maybe we should give young kids courses in media literacy to train how they interpret these messages and figures. We shouldn’t have to change people because others interpret them negatively.



4 thoughts on “Week 3 Pt 2: BEYONCE

  1. Ellis says:

    Yes amen! I really like the point about her being an adult and thus not -supposed- to be a role model for young girls. The YouTube videos of toddlers shaking their hips like Beyonce are seen as so inappropriate and Beyonce is always to blame, but perhaps if you’re really that against it, you should be the one keeping your kids from watching her on TV. Good post!

  2. Christopher Michael Solokas says:

    I agree with you completely about Beyoncé. She has the right to dress the way she wants, and act the way she wants to act. It doesn’t matter if she is acting a certain way to entertain others, or if that is who she truly is because she is old enough to make those decisions on her own. Her confident style has worked for her so far since she has made so much money, and she has every right to continue what she’s doing as long as she makes money from it or as long as she wants. It is not up for us to decide, or judge, how she acts. Great post!

  3. eva5130 says:

    I absolutely agree! I talked about this in my blog as well; when I listen to Beyonce, I feel powerful as a woman. She manages to send the feminist message with her attitude and how she is on stage. We definitely need people to have some extent of media literacy to make the distinction between sex-selling and feminism.

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