
Maria Ellis, Officer of Philanthropic Initiatives

Maria is a senior majoring in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Engineering Leadership Development. The past two summers Maria worked with the Department of Defense designing power systems around the campus. Maria hopes to continue her career there right out of college. Maria has been involved with SWE Benefiting THON since freshman year as a participant, Family Relations Director and now Primary Chair. Maria was also on the R&R THON Committee for the first years. In her spare time Maria loves to play IM volleyball and soccer, study with her EE friends in Reber and meet up with her THON colleagues in the hub.

Contact: mme5305@psu.edu

Lily Farmerie, THON Member Relations Director

Lily is a senior studying biomedical engineering specializing in biomaterials with a minor in engineering leadership and development! Lily works in Dr. Yangs tissue engineering research lab, and as a TA for the organic chemistry instrument room. In her spare time, you can find Lily facilitating chemistry study groups, studying in the CBEB, or hanging out with friends. This past summer Lily spent her time as a Merck employee working in Vaccine Research and Development. Lily plans to apply to PhD programs in biomedical engineering this semester!

Contact: lcf18@psu.edu

Rachel Deveney, Fundraising Director

Rachel is a Senior in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Leadership and Development. Rachel was a Mechanical Engineering Intern at KCI the past two years, and this summer she is a Supply Chain Intern with PepsiCo. Rachel is an active member of SWE was a Service chair last semester. Rachel has also been on OPP and HOS Committees for THON which she highly recommends. In her free time Rachel loves the beach, being outside, hanging out with her friends, and playing any kind of sport.

Contact: red5330@psu.edu

Paige Vernon, Fundraising Director

Paige is a junior studying mechanical engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering. This past summer, Paige spent her time taking classes and working in retail. During the semester, you can often find her painting, hiking, spending time with friends, and at Baby’s Diner eating a Whimpy Basket! Paige is also involved with the THON Special Events Committee, ASME, and BMES.

Contact: pqv5031@psu.edu

Erin Anderson, Family Relations Director

Erin is a junior studying civil engineering. She has enjoyed her past internships with PennDOT testing asphalt and Gannett Fleming in highway design. She has been involved with THON since her freshman year and held the Family Relations chair position last year. When she is not with SWE THON she can be found with her other organizations. Some of her other organization involvement is in Global Engineering Fellows, Engineering Ambassadors, and ASCE. Her favorite pass time on campus is to go and play racquetball with her friends at the gyms.

Contact: eea5146@psu.edu

Caitlyn Longenecker, Donor & Alumni Relations Director

Caitlyn is a junior studying Architectural Engineering. She spent Summer 2020 working for James G. Davis Construction in Rockville, Maryland as an Estimating and Preconstruction Engineer. She is heavily involved in the Women in Engineering Program, a member of SWE and the Student Society of Architectural Engineering, along with being on the PSU Club Tennis Team. Caitlyn is a dedicated PSU sports fan and her favorite hobby is photography. If she’s not on campus you’ll find her eating a Corner Cobb at Roots or taking photos at the Arboretum.

Contact: cul355@psu.edu