Consent for Exempt Research

The Pennsylvania State University

Title of Project: Using Geoscientific Analysis and Community Engagement to Analyze Exposures to Potential Groundwater Contamination Related to Hydrocarbon Extraction in Southwestern Pennsylvania

Principal Investigator: Dr. Jennifer Baka, Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, PSU, 814-865-3433,

You are being invited to volunteer to participate in a research study. This summary explains information about this research.

Study Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gather groundwater samples from private wells or springs and to conduct a household survey with residents living in proximity to unconventional energy development. You are being invited to participate in this study because of your proximity to oil and gas development in the region.

Study Procedures: Your participation in this research will consist of allowing the research team to take a sample of your groundwater and to take a survey administered by one of the research team members. We anticipate that your participation will last approximately two hours. The water sample testing results will be returned to you. We will also distribute copies of our research study results to you. Please be aware that the water samples will be analyzed at Penn State laboratories. These laboratories are not considered certified laboratories for legal proceedings.

Confidentiality: Your participation is voluntary and you may decide to stop at any time.  You do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to answer. Your identity will be kept strictly confidential. Your name will not be used in any publications resulting from the research. Generic names and code numbers will be used to identify subjects on all official documents, final study reports and to all external parties. All computerized files will be password-protected and encrypted.

If you have questions or concerns, you should contact Dr. Baka at 814-865-3433. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject or concerns regarding your privacy, you may contact the Office for Research Protections at 814-865-1775.