Oreo Balls

The recipe I am sharing with you today is honestly one of the most challenging thing I make because I dislike using melted chocolate. Besides using the melted chocolate, this is a fairly simple recipe to make because it does not take a lot of ingredients to make it. All you need is Oreos, cream cheese, and chocolate melting wafers. The melting wafers could either be milk chocolate or white chocolate. This is totally up to you, but I typically use white chocolate.

For one batch of Oreo balls, you need to first begin by crush up one package of Oreos until it is fine crumbs. You can do this by placing the Oreos in a food processor, or you can place the Oreos in a Ziploc bag and crush them by rolling a rolling pin over them. Once they are crushed, place the Oreo crumbs into a bowl, and then use a mixer to mix in the softened cream cheese. Mix until the Oreos and cream cheese are blended and can be rolled into ball form. Next, you will roll this mixture into 1-inch balls, and then place them on a cookie sheet. Once they are all of the cookie sheet, stick a toothpick in each ball. This will make it easier when you coat them in chocolate. Now, let them chill in the refrigerator for at least a couple hours.

This is where it starts to get tricky. Get five or less of the Oreo balls in refrigerator out to be covered in melted chocolate. I advise only five because they tend to soften very quick; they are harder to work with when they are soft. Melt some of the chocolate wafers in 30 second intervals until they are melted completely. I say only some because the chocolate re-hardens, and you are not able to melt it again once this happens. You will need other chocolate to melt. Finally, cover the Oreo balls in melted chocolate, and then set them back on the cookie sheet. They will harden and become perfect to eat. To make them prettier, you could save some Oreo crumbs at the beginning and sprinkle them on once they are covered in chocolate. I linked the recipe I used down below. There is also a picture of when I made them. I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I did!


Passion Blog 5: French Silk Pies

A few days before Mother’s Day, it was discussed that I was going to make a dessert for my family for that day. No one ever talked about it ever again, until the night before when I asked my mom if I was still making something. I really wanted to try out this new pie recipe that was uploaded on YouTube. My mom brushed it off until the next morning; she woke me up super early telling me to make the pies. I honestly panicked because I knew that the pies were going to take a long time because my mom wanted a regular pie crust and not a cookie pie crust.

I pulled myself out of bed, and I started to make the pie crust. I honestly hate making pie crust, so this was a challenge. I added all of the ingredients and used a fork to knead it all together. I had to let this refrigerate for an hour, so while this was happening, I started on my chocolate filling.

This was a rough process because I had to heat a chocolate bar on my stove, but I had to be sure I did not burn it. I also did not have a food thermometer, so I had to use an actual thermometer which did not go higher than 105 degrees. I had to guess the temperature of my chocolate, then let it cool. I add this melted chocolate to a mixture of powdered sugar and heavy whipping cream.

I got my pie crust out of the fridge, rolled it flat, put it in a pie pan, and then put it in the oven. Once it was cooked, I let it cool, then added the chocolate mixture, then put it in the fridge to harden for 4 hours.

I then started making the homemade whip cream. This is a super easy process. You put heavy whipping cream and vanilla extract in a bowl, and you mix until it has taken whip cream form. Once my pies chilled long enough, I topped them with this whip cream. Finally, I shaved chocolate on top of it.

My family enjoyed the pies. They were a perfect Mother’s Day treat. Down below I attached the links to the YouTube videos for the pie and crust recipes. I also attached a picture of the pies I made!

RCL Blog Post # 4

There have been a few ideas flowing around in my head about what I would like to research for my paradigm shift essay. I have not come up with an idea that is set in stone, but here are some that I am thinking about.


  • Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter
  • Women’s Rights
  • Evolution of the Democratic Party and Their Stances
  • Weapons (Muskets to Current Day Weapons of Mass Destruction)
    • My TED Talk Would Probably Focus Around Gun-Control/ March for Our Lives
  • Automobiles (Model T to Current Day Models)
    • TED Talk Could Possibly be Planes
  • Monarchies (Evolution from Absolute Monarchies to Mainly Now Constitutional)
    • I am really into the Russian Revolution, the Tudors, and the Windsors, so I could discuss one of them for it.
  • War (Usage of Muskets, to Mustard Gas, to Nuclear Bombs)
  • Television and the Shows/ Programs on it
  • Telephones
    • TED Talk Could Be Only About iPhones
  • Music (Classical to Pop/Rap)
    • Could Focus on One Genre for the TED Talk

I want this project to be fun, and I am leaning towards one of the ones I am more so interested in than the others. I feel like monarchies could be such a broad topic, but there would be a lot of information for me to write about! I am hoping that everyone could give me some help on which one I should pick!

RCL Blog 3: Essay Outline

Civic Artifact: TikTok Activism

Introduction: Social media is something that is prevalent in people of all age’s lives. Baby boomers and Generation Xers often turn towards Facebook, millennials use Twitter and Instagram, and Generation Zers use all of these and more. A type of social media that is gaining popularity every day, especially with members of Generation Z, is TikTok. TikTok is an app where people can make an account to create and watch videos that span from fifteen seconds to one minute. TikTok, which was formally known as Musically before a name change in late 2018, became popular in the summer of 2019. Generation Z, which is a generation that is now starting to be able to vote in the United States of America’s elections, has been becoming more socially aware. They are not shy to show their thoughts. TikTok is a place where Generation Zers can freely discuss their thoughts and principals, activism, and facts on the issues.

Body Paragraph 1: TikTok is a place where Generation Zers can freely discuss their thoughts and principals. Some people who create TikToks decide to get political by showing their views on issues that are important to them. In these videos, the creators typically use a famous audio or song on TikTok and put captions on their video that talk about their thoughts. On TikTok there are accounts that are specifically dedicated to people posting videos that affiliate with a specific political party’s ideology. @TheDemocratHypeHouse is an account, created by a collection of creators on TikTok, that posts videos in which their opinions fall under the ideology of liberalism. They also post videos in support of the Democratic Nominee for President, Joe Biden, and other Democrats who are in office and running for office; they post videos that criticize President Donald Trump and other Republicans. On the other side of the aisle, there is an account called @TheRepublicanHypeHouse, which was created by another collection of TikTokers. They post videos in which their ideals fall under the ideology of conservatism. They are in support of President Donald Trump and other Republicans, and they are huge critics of for Vice-President Joe Biden and other Democrats. Another example of TikTok creators showing their thoughts and principals is when they make fun of the song “Real Women Vote Trump.” “Real Women Vote Trump” is a song created by three women Trump supporters, and it gained popularity on TikTok in late summer of 2020. Often times, when people use this audio to make a TikTok, they are critical of the song and President Trump; they are usually making fun of these both. This idea of using someone’s words, or in this case, a song, against them is called argumentum ad absurdum. Argumentum ad absurdum translates to argument to absurdity in English. The people who create the TikToks making fun of  “Real Women Vote Trump” are trying to establish the claim that people who vote for Donald Trump are crazy and sometimes go over the top, and if he is reelected, it will honestly be the worst scenario, and people will still make fun of him and his supporters. One final example of people sharing their thoughts on TikTok is the Free Barron Trump Movement. In late summer 2020, people created a conversation that Barron Trump needed saved from his parents, Melania and Donald. The parents face criticism on how the raise their son; people are concerned with the principals they share to Barron. These people believe that Barron Trump looks sad every time he is in public, and he needs freed from his parents.

Body Paragraph 2 Outline:

  • Activism
    • K-Poppers/ Gen Z TikTokers Trump Rally
      • Political/ Social Disruption
  • Black Lives Matter
    • Against Racism
    • Against Police Brutality
  • Claudia Conway
    • Liberalism
    • Thoughts About Parents/ Jobs/ President
      • Parents Resigned
      • Defying Parents/ Going Against Ideals

Body Paragraph 3 Outline:

  • Facts on Issues
    • Gen Z More Active (Get to Vote This Year)
    • Voting Registration
    • Facts of Political Candidates
    • Liberalism/ Conservatism/ Socialism/ Capitalism
    • Ethos/ Pathos/ Logos

ADD IN SOMEWHERE: Commonplace: Gen Z typically leans more liberal.

Conclusion Outline

  • Restate Thesis
  • Other generations think Gen Z = lazy/ things handed to us
  • Actually activists/ future leaders of our country
  • TikTok may seem silly, but actually a place to express your thoughts, to stay informed, and to make a change.

American Flag Cookie Cake

On Memorial Day this year, my parents decided to host a small get together for some members of my family. I was asked to bake something for this picnic. I wanted to create something red, white, and blue in honor of the holiday. After walking through a baking aisle of a store, I saw a large cookie pan, which gave me the idea of the baked good I made for this week.

I decided to make a large cookie cake decorated like the American Flag for my family’s get together. The recipe I used is one I found on the internet; it took me a while to find one I liked. The recipe I used for this cookie cake was from a website called Peas and Crayons. While I knew this cookie cake was going to be large, I did not realize that I was going to be using 4 1/2 sticks of butter, 3 cups of sugar, both brown and granulated, and 6 cups of flour. I baked this cookie cake on a sheet pan for 25 minutes. When it cake out of the oven, it was very thick, which surprised me.

For the icing of this cookie cake, I decided I wanted to make whipped cream frosting. I found this recipe from Food.com. I then separated the icing into three portions. I colored one portion red, another portion blue, and left one portion white. To color these icings, I used red and blue food coloring paste.

Once the icings were colored to my satisfaction, I used a knife to spread on a square of blue icing into the top left corner of the cookie cake. I then used another knife to spread red and white stripes on the cookie cake to look like the United States’ flag. I did not put the correct number of stripes as the American flag on the cookie cake, but my family got the idea of what I was trying to do. I finally filled a piping bag with white icing to pipe “stars” onto the blue corner. I did not put 50 stars on it because I could not fit them all, but I thought my first trial of an American Flag cookie cake turned out well, and by the way my family it, so did they.

The cookie cake recipe I used: https://peasandcrayons.com/2017/05/sheet-pan-cookie-cake-recipe.html

The whipped cream icing I used: https://www.food.com/recipe/whipped-cream-frosting-39013