RCL Blog Post # 4

There have been a few ideas flowing around in my head about what I would like to research for my paradigm shift essay. I have not come up with an idea that is set in stone, but here are some that I am thinking about.


  • Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter
  • Women’s Rights
  • Evolution of the Democratic Party and Their Stances
  • Weapons (Muskets to Current Day Weapons of Mass Destruction)
    • My TED Talk Would Probably Focus Around Gun-Control/ March for Our Lives
  • Automobiles (Model T to Current Day Models)
    • TED Talk Could Possibly be Planes
  • Monarchies (Evolution from Absolute Monarchies to Mainly Now Constitutional)
    • I am really into the Russian Revolution, the Tudors, and the Windsors, so I could discuss one of them for it.
  • War (Usage of Muskets, to Mustard Gas, to Nuclear Bombs)
  • Television and the Shows/ Programs on it
  • Telephones
    • TED Talk Could Be Only About iPhones
  • Music (Classical to Pop/Rap)
    • Could Focus on One Genre for the TED Talk

I want this project to be fun, and I am leaning towards one of the ones I am more so interested in than the others. I feel like monarchies could be such a broad topic, but there would be a lot of information for me to write about! I am hoping that everyone could give me some help on which one I should pick!

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2 thoughts on “RCL Blog Post # 4

  1. I think you should definitely choose the topic you feel most passionate about, and I am literally just basing this off of the blog, but I felt like you are most passionate about monarchies. The transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional is such an essential part of all of our lives and such an important paradigm shift. I know you are a little concerned that it might be too broad, but I do not think it is a bad idea to pick a broad topic because you can always narrow it down rather than being stuck with a topic with nowhere to go.

  2. I personally really like the idea of looking at the evolution and even the definition of what a weapon is. There are so many avenues you could take with this project and it has become so significant in our society as of late so it would be really cool to look at how different people view weapons and how those views may have change and how the changes affect the society that we live in today. I think all of the other ideas look awesome as well so I think it is really going to come down to which one interests you the most!

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