Passion Blog 4: My Dream Job(s)?

From the time this blog has started up until now, this blog has turned into multiple different things. It started out as a potential blog about me learning about the economy and investing. I discovered that it was not a great time to invest in the stock market, so this blog turned into me talking about me saving money and trying to find a job for the summer in order to specifically pay for the monthly rent of my apartment.

Last week, I gave myself a deadline of the week after Easter to have a list of potential places of employment and to be applied to a majority of them. To not make this blog repetitive, I have decided to talk about my dream jobs, which are also known as my potential future plans in order for me to make money.

Next summer, my plan is to apply to multiple internships within Congress, the White House, the different departments, lobbying firms, campaigns, Pittsburgh sports teams, and huge companies throughout the country. I hope to get one of these, obviously, and I am wishing that one of two of these internships that I would get would allow me to network with many people to grant me a job right out of college.

My absolute dream job would be to work on a political campaign as a press secretary and/or spokesperson on a presidential campaign. I love the idea of traveling around the United States while trying to get a candidate that I believe in whole heartedly elected. While volunteering on other local campaigns, I watched people do press releases and conferences. I also watched interviews with local news outlets take place. These experiences have impacted and influenced me enough to potentially do what these people do for a living at a greater scale.

In order to obtain this goal of mine, I plan to start out with internships potentially in Congress at a staffer, in the state Capitol as an intern in the governor’s office, and even potentially I would like to volunteer and/or intern for John Fetterman’s campaign for Senate. A lot of his plans and ideals align with mine. I think he is a great candidate, and he can definitely win the Senate election in 2022. In these experiences, I hope to gain most importantly experience and political skills, but I also hope to gain networking skills and contacts. These skills and contacts will grant me opportunities in the future to possibly fulfill my dream to be a press secretary and/or spokesperson.

If none of my goals of getting an internship and then a job play out how I want to, my next plans are to apply and go to law school. I hope to continue getting great grades throughout college, and if this plan of law school were to arise, I plan to study for the LSAT super hard. I dream of getting into a top 14 law school. This might sound surprising since I really am not set on going to law school. This goal is probably just the over achiever in me wanting to be able to say I go and/or got into a top 14 law school. Also, if you go to one of these schools and graduate from one of them, you automatically get a high paying at an amazing law firm. I also have this image of being Elle Woods in my mind, so going to a law school would grant me this dream.

The final idea that I have in mind to do a few years out of college is to run for the state representative seat in my home area. To be blunt, I really do not like the man who is the current state representative. I have a bunch of different ideals as him, and honestly, I think our district and state should be taken in a different direction.

I believe in making our country, and especially the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the best that it can be. I think the people of southwestern Pennsylvania are constantly cast aside and lied to. The area could be so much better than what it is now. Our schools in the area deserve more funding and deserve to be safer. Also, as a big steel mill and coal mine area, especially in the case where these mills and mines are mostly closed, I believe our citizens deserve to know the truth in these areas and not led on to believe they will be opened again.

I am hoping the rest of college will give me a guide on what my career will be in the future. My plan for my next passion blog is to update you all on where I have applied, and if I have received an interview at these places.

Passion Blog 3: Update?

As I told you in my last blog, I applied for an internship through NBCUniversal. I was very hopeful that I was going to at least get an interview because of the long amount of time it took them to review my application. After a long month of waiting to hear back from them about the status of my application, NBCUniversal notified me that I did not get the position as an intern of either The Tonight Show or The Late Show. Honestly, I am not shocked because I do not have a ton of experience, but I am still really bummed about it. Since I did not get the internship, and I really was not set on get an internship this summer, I now have to get a job.

Golf course applications for the summer have recently just come out, and I have been thinking I might apply to one of those. If you watch The Bachelor, you would know that this past season was filmed at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort. This is only a 35 minute drive from my house. It is a pretty well-known place in my area, and some notable people, such a politicians, travel there to play golf. I was thinking about applying at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort to be a caddie girl. From people I know and from social media, I have heard that they make a lot of money, especially in tips. Currently, I have an application pulled up for a golf course at Nemacolin Woodlands. The specific course is the Mystic Rock, which is only available to club members only. This means that the people who golf there are willing to pay the money, and in my insane mind, this means they might possibly tip more.

My next option for a job is something closer to my house, such as a craft store or a food place. I honestly do not like working outside, so the caddie job sounds good in theory because of money, but I will probably hate it. I hate being sweaty and my skin does not do well in the sun. That probably sounds so high maintenance, but it is just how I feel. I might apply to a coffee shop near my house, but that means I would have to wake up super early in the mornings, and I would have to learn how to make the drinks and food. A craft store near my house, like Michaels or Jo-Ann Fabrics, might be low-key. They are both not too far from my house. They also do not get a ton of traffic in a day, so it may be relaxed.

Another option that I have is possibly applying at Conor Lamb’s Mount Lebanon office, which is also a 30 to 40 minute drive from my house. My College of the Liberal Arts mentor told me to tell him when I apply because he has connections to possibly help me get the internship. The only downside to getting this internship is that it does not pay. It only gives experience, but it allows me to gain the experience within a congressional office, which is near my house.

I also might look more into virtual job options, such as watching people do corona tests on Zoom or being a contact tracer. This would allow me to have a job from the comfort of my house, which could be more flexible for me.

These options are all feasible for me, but it is just the matter of me doing some research on each of these positions, weighing the pros and cons, and applying to each of the jobs and internships. I need to figure out how much each job pays, if it offers tips, what time they open and close, and other information like this.

Now that I know that I did not get the internship through NBCUniversal, my goal for the summer is to make about four to five months of my rent for my apartment next year at Alexander Court, if I decide against applying for the internship in Conor Lamb’s office of course. I believe I am going to start researching this weekend have all of my applications in by the week after Easter.

I hope you all enjoy hearing me ramble about my possible jobs for the summer, and me trying to figure out how to ration my money, especially for my apartment next year. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Civic Issues Blog 4; First Lady Platforms: Edith Wilson

For this Civic Issues Blog, which will be my last one about the First Ladies, I want to talk about Edith Wilson. Edith Wilson, who was born Edith Bolling, married a businessman named Norman Galt. After twelve years of marriage, Norman Galt died unexpectedly. Following his death, she continued to help out with the family jewelry store, and she found a person who would helped operate the store to financial support. A few years after her husband’s death, Edith was introduced by her friends to then President of the United States Woodrow Wilson, who was mourning the death of his own spouse. After their meeting, Woodrow Wilson immediately took a liking to Edith, and soon later the liking turned to love. They were married in a quiet ceremony on December 18, 1915.

Many of her First Lady duties of being a hostess of social events were cast aside due to the fact the United States entered World War 1 in 1917. Because of the immense stress her husband was under, Edith immersed herself in the job of trying to keep her husband healthy. After returning from a conference where the Allied Powers negotiated peace, Woodrow Wilson’s health deteriorated dramatically. In September 1919, Wilson suffered a stroke that caused his to be partly paralyzed.

Edith Wilson stepped in in this time of need. She took over many routine duties and details of government. However, she did not take over and control the executive branch, nor did she start programs and make major decisions. Edith convinced the president’s doctors to not advise others to remove him from office, so him condition was hidden from the press and public along with the severity of the president’s condition. News about the president’s stroke started making buzz in February of 2020, but no one discovered his true condition until years later.

I find it amazing that amazing that Edith Wilson kept her husband together as well as his job as President of the United States. While she did not fully run the executive branch, I still believe it proves people’s doubts of whether a woman can fulfill the role of president to be wrong. Edith Wilson was a badass. From a legal standpoint, I doubt that what she did was allowed, but the 22nd Amendment says, “In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.” Woodrow Wilson was not dead, so his vice-president was never sworn in, so Edith Wilson did what she saw was fit. She assumed a majority of her husband’s roles, and I think that fact is really cool.

Edith Wilson was called the “Secret President,” but I wonder truly how far how true this nickname went. Did no one truly know that she was majorly assisting her husband, or were some people in on the secret? I honestly assume that a few people knew, but I think it was only a minimal amount of people.

Following Woodrow Wilson’s tenure as President of the United States, the couple moved into a home in Washington, D.C. About three years later, Woodrow Wilson passed away. From this point on, Edith Wilson gained literary rights all of her husband’s personal papers so no one could damage his reputation. She also controlled what the script of the biopic of “Wilson” said.

Edith Wilson was very protective of her husband, which I admire. She wanted to protect his name, even after his death. I want to believe this is because she loved him, but a part of me believes that in a way she did not want to be incriminated herself.

Overall, I do not know whether I can say if Edith Wilson was a great First Lady or not. She did not have a typical platform like other First Ladies do, but she took on a greater role than the others. If this happened in recent times, the First Lady would never be able to do what she did and that is majorly because of the press and media today. I would like to read more about Edith Wilson in the future. I cannot say now whether I like her or not, but I can admit that I admire her dedication and hard work.