Ted Talk

I watched a Ted Talk called “The psychology of your future self” by Dan Gilbert, a Harvard psychologist, which examined why people often make decisions that their future selves often regret. This is interesting as there are many stereotypes about teenagers getting tattoos or piercings at a young age, which they might regret when they mature into adults. Gilbert observed that as people get older however, one’s rate of change slows down dramatically, and that adolescents change more often than someone’s grandparents. Additionally, these changes which form someone into a better person may seem to happen rather quickly, but actually they take a lot of time to progress and develop slowly over the years. This slow process of change may someone believe that they actually haven’t changed, until they realize it in a certain moment while looking upon their past. Gilbert states that in a survey of different age groups and their predicted rate of change, many people underestimated how much they were going to change in their life. Specifically, the age group of 18 year olds anticipated changing just as much as 50 year olds actually do. Therefore, in reality there are many significant life changes that one goes through, whether it be their personality, beliefs, or values. In each of these categories in a prediction of change for ten years, the same prediction is concluded that people underestimate the rate of change that will occur. Thus, we overestimate our current preferences because it has to do with the ease of remembering versus the difficulty of imagining. To explain, we remember who we were years ago, but find it a bit difficult to imagine who we are going to be, and because we think that it’s hard to imagine, we think that it’s less likely to happen. I liked how Gilbert used personal examples and statistics to get his point across to explain how this phenomenon works.

Categories: RCL

3 thoughts on “Ted Talk

  1. This seems like a really cool TED Talk, I never really considered the idea of people changing at different rates at different points in their life, but in retrospect, it seems obvious. Teens go throw a lot of experiences for the first time in their adolescent years so it makes sense that they would be more adaptive and change more during these years than later in life.

  2. I have never watched this TED Talk, but I hope to watch it soon. I understand how Dan Gilbert’s claims are true. Even at the age of eighteen, I can already think of numerous instances where I regret decisions made in my younger years. I often find myself wishing for opportunities to “re-do” a time period in my life. I feel confident that this list of regrets will only grow with my age…

  3. This seems really interesting! I really like this idea and I think that it would make a great talk. I am excited to see how you decide to do you Ted Talk and what you will try and do the same from your favorite Ted Talk.

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