Encoding on the Internet

2: ASCII Encoding

    Standing for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange", this was the first attempt to provide a character exchange standard. When it was invented in the 1960’s, computing limitations limited the set to 27 or 128 characters. For more information on how ASCII was developed, you can read this CNN article.

    ASCII Chart

    Characters number 1-31 are old control characters designed for teletype machines.

    ASCII Numeric Values 32-127

    Num Char
    33 !
    34 "
    35 #
    36 $
    37 %
    38 &
    40 (
    41 )
    42 *
    43 +
    44 ,
    46 .
    47 /
    Num Char
    48 0
    49 1
    50 2
    51 3
    52 4
    53 5
    54 6
    55 7
    56 8
    57 9
    58 :
    59 ;
    60 <
    61 =
    62 >
    63 ?
    Num Char
    64 @
    65 A
    66 B
    67 C
    68 D
    69 E
    70 F
    71 G
    72 H
    73 I
    74 J
    75 K
    76 L
    77 M
    78 N
    79 O
    Num Char
    80 P
    81 Q
    82 R
    83 S
    84 T
    85 U
    86 V
    87 W
    88 X
    89 Y
    90 Z
    91 [
    92 \
    93 ]
    94 ^
    95 _
    Num Char
    96 `
    97 a
    98 b
    99 c
    100 d
    101 e
    102 f
    103 g
    104 h
    105 i
    106 j
    107 k
    108 l
    109 m
    110 n
    111 o
    Num Char
    112 p
    113 q
    114 r
    115 s
    116 t
    117 u
    118 v
    119 w
    120 x
    121 y
    122 z
    123 {
    124 |
    125 }
    126 ~
    127 DEL

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    Properties of ASCII

    ASCII is structured as followed

    • Characters #0-31 are old teletype command or control codes
    • Character #32 is a blank space
    • Characters #48-57 are numerals
    • Characters# 65-90 are capital letters
    • Characters #97-122 are lower case letters
    • The rest are different types of punctuation
    • Numeric position determines alphabetic order

      NOTE: Sometimes the character number in an encoding scheme is called a code point.

    Additional charts can be found at the following Web sites, among others.

    NOTE: Some charts may list the decimal number (base-10) as well the hexadecimal (base-16) number and octal (base-8) number. In most cases, you would use the decimal number.

    Deficiencies of ASCII

    ASCII is notoriously U.S.centric and did not provide for common Western European symbols such as the British £ symbol, accented letters (e.g. ñ, é, ü), or even the ¢ symbol. In addition, it is a 7-bit code restricted to 128 (27) characters, which is too few characters for the many languages which use accents in their spelling.

    However, ASCII has been a core standard since its inception, and is an encoding standard available to almost all modern computers all over the world.

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