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Development Topic: Interpersonal communication


One of my opportunities for improvement is my communication of data/facts. The ability to facilitate my thoughts in a way that is trusted and verified, in a confident and organized way.

One of my disconnects is I am naturally an introverted person, that avoids conflict, in my role as a Talent Development Manager my role requires me to present data and work people through the data in order to cause improvements.

This was what was suggested by my stakeholders:

Gain buy-in from others by appealing to their needs prior to presenting ideas and data

My response:

I began to observe others body language to my communication and how I can change my language to a collaborative format where others will be engaged. I plan improve my communication skills by adhering to my guardian temperament, collecting feedback and re-adjusting for the team. Demonstrating stable data trends will help aide in creating tranparency for others to trust my performance.

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