A Guide for Organizational Diagnosis

Key procedures of organizational diagnosis involve the understanding of internal and external boundaries and political dynamics of a given client. It is important to gather preliminary supporting data on interdepartmental processes and ideologies in order to deliver a hypothesis that effectively engages learning within the organization. Once Identification of key stakeholders has been made available, access to records and institution of communications may begin to explore possible solution(s) and facilitate proper dialogue with stakeholders. It is important to be aware of potential issues that you might face while conducting organizational diagnosis;

Potential Isues: 

  • Traditional assumptions and ignorant realities that influence the organization without objective data
  • Lack of Consultant or stakeholder effectiveness upon entry due to anxiety or fear
  • Separate Implied diagnosis without inclusion of the Consultant
  • Client interpersonal conflicts, lack of collaboration, denial and defensiveness
  • Wastage of raw/human materials that are not being used
  • Leadership and strategic problem difficulties

When approaching diagnosis initial interviewing of board members, general managers, directors, and any other top senior management in the total system is imperative. These meetings will allow identification of cultural, structural and/or strategic objectives. At that time, one may provide feedback for the sponsor to evaluate the results of potential diagnosis. Unified belief systems allow for creation of a sense of awareness to reach unanimity across the organization, which is imperative in obtaining buy-in from change agents.

Important principles:

  • Undo diagnosis mismanagement and provide total system diagnosis
  • Discover ignorant realities/assumptions
  • Involve the client to believe in collaborating to implement joint solution(s) and action(s)
  • Work towards changes that will result in increased autonomy to empower individuals to be more effective across the organization

More on organizational diagnosis by DR. MANNIE SHER:



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