Practitioner Development Assessment

Reflecting on personal career goals

One must take into account what puts you at an advantage in terms of being competitive with your industry, job specific and occupational demand. In the Consulting field influence is a key factor to be successful in implementing change and moving stakeholders along in projects. Project management skills are in high demand, as a majority of organizations are leaning towards standardized process improvements to optimize their workforce. In the state of Florida grants for higher education in Engineering and Health care are in rise. The county of Broward has a focus in the industrial trade and manufacturing industry. This assessment implies a need for development in agile lean six sigma methodologies for purposes of Consulting.

The change in market priority has engaged highly skilled professionals to gauge focus in developing their skills, in order to understand the demand for project management skills associated with these kinds of transformations. The power of partnership, understanding people, facilitating strategy and communicating big picture organizational goals are all powerful skills for Practitioners to master in the Consulting field. High level application, communication, integration and the ability to engage in creative thought and brainstorming are all in spectrum. With an all time low unemployment rate the market is for the people, therefore innovative thinking, will help set an organization apart in marketing differentiators are concurrently highly important skills for development. Finally, understanding the workforce, generational differences and the ability to appeal to a millenials work style that requires flexibility, autonomy and work life balance is imperative for practitioners.

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