Client Feedback Development

  • What challenges have you experienced developing the feedback report in three different forms?

The most significant challenges I have faced when developing feedback reports in different forms to appease to individual stakeholder levels has been the delay in processing for such complexity. For example, in my most recent project I had to communicate a powerpoint, a word document and an HTML pdf file. The complexity of this task is that unaccounted time may not have been configured, and deadlines can be compromised if the tools are not in place to format the diverse audiences at hand.

  • What skills do you need to further develop to expedite the process?

The critical skills required are those that meet the clients expectations and the apparent clear communication skills, with concise transcription of succinct information on the projects results and achievements. In addition, ensuring all relevant shared drive access is granted and cloud capabilities configure. Lastly, it is imperative to facilitate scheduling that meets the audiences needs for presentation purposes. To do this effectively one must consider operating hours, shifts and work day availability.

  • Lessons learned

Overall the lessons learned from this activity of deciphering feedback to different levels of stakeholders made it apparent that all details must be communicated at a high level to executives. The purpose of the executive summary is to provide a sustainable representation that closes the client consultant relationship. Middle management have more significance in the actionable items that pertain to their department. Finally,  team member communication suffices with the milestones and consequential changes that result from the project.

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