
Differentiation: What sets you apart?

“There is not any rigid and lasting interpretation of specific ways a company should operate at any given time”(Shultz, 2013). That said, in terms of considering differentiation, there is no one way, other than your meaningful contributions being supported by others. Be it in an academic or professional setting you must be true to your value proposition in what sets you apart. The future of implementation of your differentiating value stems from a framework of emerging specialization.That is, globalization is introducing a new niche that includes mobility, availability and thinking in terms of methodology from a global perspective.

Therefore, the importance of differentiation reflects how you will gauge your value in the market. Facilitating flexible strategies that create opportunities for innovative thinking among colleagues is one example. Role modeling in such a way that you are easy to understand and talk to adds-value in performance of world-class scholarship to the global learning experience. Exemplary best practice tactics can be demonstrated by unique identifiers that differentiate your virtual and remote availability to others, such that you are;

  • Contributing out of the box approaches that are celebrated and well esteemed by others
  • Validating collaboration with purpose as it relates to the common-good of the group
  • Being accessible and remotely available just in time
  • Communicating on demand and in real time for group work
  • Being inclusive of others opinions, beliefs and strengths
  • Going into every discussion with an open mind to allow optimal dialogue flow

Reference: Schultz, Doerr, Frederiksen, 2013, Professional Service Marketing

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