Facilitating: Understanding Dual Roles

Facilitators lead, train, present new information, make process suggestions, mediate or play a combination of these roles in group sessions. However, the main function of a facilitator is to improve a process.

Often times, facilitators are tasked with serving in a dual function, such as that of a;

  • Facilitator/Trainer
  • Facilitator/Subject content matter expert
  • Facilitator/Mediator and
  • Leader/Facilitator

Serving in a dual role can come with special challenges or confusion that occurs because of the dual nature of those roles. For example, I experienced a number of challenges in my earlier years in my career in Leadership Development. I served as a Facilitator/Trainer, in this dual role I aspired to be interactive for the purpose of teaching modules to benefit leadership in knowledge gain. The most challenging part I found about this dual role was the crowd, by this I mean my trainees.

The trainees were reluctant to learning and some seemed skeptical, or uninterested in participating. As the facilitator/trainer it was important to monitor cues of disengagement and continuously re engage detractors. The root cause I found in part was the trainees were not self-enrolled, and executive leadership made development mandatory. The lesson learned in this case to overcome consisted of;

  • Gaining trust with participants by empowering them as SME’s
  • Continuous effort from the facilitator to be interactive
  • Gauging level of interest from participants and
  • Explaining the benefits of knowledge gain

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