Organizational Diagnosis Tool

In my experience using standardized organizational diagnosis assessment tools, regarding both its positive and its challenging aspects I have found beneficial insight into the workforce, as well as unsystematic errors.

The assessment tools I have administered are 30, 60, 90 and exit interviews. These surveys discovered;

  1. (30) day New-hire onboarding experience
  2. (60) day New-hire performance from a management perspective
  3. (90) day New-hire probationary period satisfaction
  4. Probation period counseling assessment
  5. Training rating assessment
  6. Voluntary Exit interview reasoning
  7. Market salary assessment

The assessments validated quality of hire, as well as effectiveness of the recruitment and training for new-hires. In addition, exit interviewing compiled data with regard to turnover and reasons employees voluntarily left the organization. In addition, the assessments benefited the organization in that intervention could happen, as issues were discovered. For example, in one case we were able to compile salary market rates and adjust pay scales to better suit current rates for our target candidates.

In hindsight, the challenges with assessments were unsystematic errors where, likeability at times skewed information. Conversely, true authenticity in unanimity assists to proactively avoid surveys to become popularity contests, so raw objective extraction may happen. The difference between effectiveness of an employee and whether you like that individual are two separate items that must be differentiated in terms of performance for example. Therefore, one must be sure to maintain anonymity to preserve the authenticity of the surveyor to acquire honest responses on the basis of data that is not subjective and can avoid implication of these kinds of unsystematic errors.


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