Positive Power

Positive Power: What do we gain from appreciative leadership?

The concept of positive power has a relational capacity to mobilize creative capacity setting in motion positive ripples of expertise and emergence. With kind language we can work together to make a positive difference in the world that draws on our strengths. The qualities identified of such leaders include;

  1. Leaders who are willing to engage with people in co-creating the future
  2. Believe in the meaningful affirmative positive bonding experience
  3. Are learners in the process
  4. Care about the well being of humanity and developing people

The supporting strategies that define the aptitude of positive power start with inquiry of questions to guide the best responses of others. Next, one should use illumination to bring out the best of people. Inclusion then facilitates peoples abilities to create their realities. Finally, we end with inspiration to attend to the hole person for the sake of the individual. This interesting phenomenon really states a case for a leader that others care to follow, because they are working with a genuine attitude and interest in the individuals aspirations. Imagine if we all found the inner power to do this with our team, how would that impact their morale, their engagement? Their commitment to the leader, to the organization …


Diana Whitney video (Links to an external site.)


OD Practitioner Strengths

OD Practitioner Strengths Poll Considerations

A sample revealed the following strengths for practitioners in the field of OD:

Summary of Strengths

n = 24


Achiever 14


Activator 4


Adaptability 0


Analytical 2


Arranger 3


Belief 3


Command 1


Communication 4


Competition 5


Connectedness 3


Consistency 2


Context 1


Deliberative 1


Developer 2


Discipline 2


Empathy 2


Focus 6


Futuristic 4


Harmony 0


Ideation 4


Includer 2


Individualization 6


Input 3


Intellection 2


Learner 7


Maximizer 6


Positivity 2


Relator 7


Responsibility 6


Restorative 1


Self-assurance 0


Significance 3


Strategic 9


Woo 3


What does this table tell us about our strengths? How could this be applied in your organization? If we were all involved as an organization for instance,____________________________. Why does this give an objective view of our competencies? Where could we apply this to aspire in our challenges?


Take a moment to choose a challenge that you have overcome or perhaps, one that you are facing now. Think about what five signature strengths served you in that situation. How did you activate each one to surmount the the challenge?


Dr. Newhard, 2018, WF ED 884 Appreciative Inquiry, PSU


Appreciative Coaching: Paradigm and Process

Appreciative Ontological Coaching: Paradigm and process

The concept that has most resonated with me from a paradigmatic view is strengths based coaching: Appreciative coaching leverages strengths to reach goals in a natural and logical process dedicated to transformational change based on the assumption of pre-existing strengths, where the coachee is essentially whole, worthy and capable. Coachees observe the words we use to describe our experience generated to our present reality and influenced by the direction of our future reality, as a result, change occurs in the moment. The nature of the questions asked sets in motion an open-ended path or direction for the system. The coachee becomes a more powerful observer of her observer which can instantly open up new moves. To sustain progress toward the desired end, both AI and ontological coaching incorporate a process whereby supportive structures and practices are co-created to;

  • Retain high potential staff
  • Encourage optimal performance
  • Develop competencies for a strong succession plan

From a process perspective the social constructionist tenet applied to appreciative coaching principles and 4D framework model the steps for a community of people collectively experience positive emotion.  The process formulates appreciating strengths and imagining an energizing future, positive change is accelerated and momentum is sustained. The AI coaching hypothesis has become perhaps the fastest growing innovation in the behavioral science field of Organization Development; not only at the individual level in coaching but in transformation of the social system. The center for Appreciative inquiry advocates that by applying AI coaching principles  and framework the client’s self-awareness is increased, as a result they will understand how to better employ their strengths.

Appreciative Coaching Principles:

  • Constructionist principle: Conversations look back at successes and how those can be leveraged into the future .
  • Positive principle: Uplifting interactions between the coach and client focus on belief and connection building
  • Poetic principle: Discussions inspire epiphanies or reframing of past disappointments
  • Simultaneity: Marks questions that prompt a client to think in terms of possibilities and take the glass-is-half-full attitude over the opposite.
  • Anticipatory principle: Dialogue guides the client to imagine the desired future without hesitation or to take action towards a positive, future outcome.

Appreciative Coaching Framework: 


  • Establishing a positive connection between coach and client
  • Leading the client to a more empowering perspective
  • Affirming a sense of the possible
  • Cultivating and supporting the client’s belief in a positive future (p. 108)


  • Encouraging the client to create images of possibilities
  • Inviting the client to give voice to his/her preferred future
  • Affirming the client’s dream (p. 135)


  • Assisting the client in bringing the dream into focus
  • Affirming the reality of the dream
  • Supporting mindful choices and actions (p. 151)


  • Helping the client recognize his/her dream in the present
  • Enabling the client to expand his/her capacity to create the dream
  • Supporting the client in holding faith when the going gets rough
  • Saying Namaste when coaching comes to a close (pp. 171–172)

Not only has this subject changed the way I view coaching, but the way I approach others. I have found myself using an appreciative lens, always making the best in the worst of situations. The paradigm of appreciative inquiry not only offered me an opportunity to re-frame, but also helped create my future through my own decision making. Not only can I inspire others, but I can drive buy-in and commitment. Using the appreciative lens to see the best of people and applying that to how we coach them has proven to be effective in a multitude of industries, and is not only a framework to apply in a process, but applying yourself to a new way of thinking and BEING …


Appreciative Coaching

Buckingham, M. (2007). Go put your strengths to work: 6 powerful steps to achieve outstanding performance. New York: Free Press.

Buckingham, M. & Clifton, D. O. (2001). Now, discover your strengths. New York: Free Press.

Hewitt, M. B. (2013). The importance of taking a strengths-based perspective. Crisis Prevention Article Library. Retrieved February 6, 2013 from https://www.crisisprevention.com.

Newhard, M. L. (2010). An exploratory study of competencies of appreciative inquiry practitioners: Discovery. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park.

Orem, S. L., Binkert, J., & Clancy, A. L. (2007). Appreciative coaching: A positive process for change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0. New York: Gallup Press.

Ulrich, D. (2008). Use your strengths to strengthen others. Workforce Management, April 1, 2008, p. 28–29.


Have you ever been in a situation where you approached someone new and they rejected or ignored you? How did that experience impact you? Did you give up or push forward in order to overcome the initial reaction?

The importance of persistence in becoming a successful practitioner relies on our abilities to remain persistent. In fact, research shows it takes 90 days for decision makers to make a financial purchasing decision. What does this tell us? This means that to overcome initial rejection of proposals we must understand that we are planting a seed for future prospect. Considering what you know about yourself, your unique credentials, your proven track record, you can determine the threshold of confidence to persevere through rejection. For example, my education has taken me more than 10 years to complete, because I worked full-time throughout most of my studies. I was known as the “little engine that could”, because I kept at it! Despite advice to just focus on education to get immediate consideration for higher level roles, I knew that in the long run experience had it’s weight and value, too.

Today, I have over 15 years in industry expertise, which gives me a deeper understanding of clients internal and external needs. With these credentials I can tap into influencers who can recommend my service to nurture stakeholder relations. Persistence was key in this accomplishment. Another example that is key is when we experience personal conflicts or hang-ups, we can overcome these instances by proactively building relationships, anticipating doubts and building continuity in getting to know our client needs at a deeper level. For example, you can leverage your emotions to rejection to proactively handle such uncomfortable conversations in a positive manner, always remembering your unique contributions and knowledge of your trade. By being conscious of our validated credentials and highly qualified expertise we can communicate size, geographic, and maturity capabilities that fit directly with what is important to your business and your stakeholder’s business.

“Celebrate what’s right in the world”

Celebrating what is right in the world as described by National Geographic photographer, Dewitt Jones is about viewing the possibilities to celebrate what each and every one of us are passionate about and what energizes us.

It’s described as the feeling of how we fall in love, by appreciating what’s right. “Our vision controls our perception and our perception becomes our reality”. Despite the context of what is in front of us -the faces, body language of individuals -we have the ability to focus on what’s right, to see the best in one another “the light within us”.

The philosophy of a world of possibility is finding a touchstone to guide the extraordinary perspective of finding more than one right answer of what we believe is right about people, society, an organization. When we celebrate within the paradigm of seeing possibility, we choose within our vision!

A vision of possibility creates a perspective that see’s what’s beautiful, what connects us and energizes acceptance to accelerated change possibility. To live in uncertainty and yet act in confidence to embrace a vision of appreciating the best of who we are, what we offer and what others have to offer the world. A world of possibilities …



Content Marketing

Is content marketing worth it or not? Is it the way of the future, or will it be the death of all of us? How will your feelings about content marketing influence your real-world work and decisions?

The revolutionary change in reaching global audiences is transforming online services and tools ultimately changing the way people both buy and market professional services. Content marketing is supporting this change as a lead generational engine and promotional vehicle. In fact, appearing in search engines is a new form of gaining market share! In addition, content marketing opens abilities to network on subject matters and more than 71% of buyers search for new services by asking a colleague. Therefore, it is crucial for practitioners to embrace both the traditional and technological opportunities that connect their services to global world-wide opportunities. With remote abilities we can grow our network freely via Skype, inter-conferencing with clients. It is to our advantage to produce thought provoking educational content that speaks to our service, to create a story through social media, blogging, e-mail marketing, and marketing automation methods that lead to networking connections.

“Happiness for people who can’t stand positive thinking”

Anti-positivism Thinking 

Is there a guaranteed recipe for success or do you make your own possibilities? What about for happiness?

The truth is there is no single piece of wisdom that translates into success or happiness, affirmation and visualization however says authoring writer Oliver Burkeman on some level can create expectancy that may actually discourage positive outcomes.

Ambitious goals that are vigorously formulated stimulate uncertain feelings, as a result stimulation to overcome takes place. The idea to try too hard coexists when people try to be happy, or try to motivate without actually harnessing that if only we stopped “trying to be happy”- we could then actually be happy.

Modern day stokes of ancient Greece and Rome advocate pre-meditation of defensive pessimism to cope with the worst case scenario and set our expectations to a point where we are grateful to cherish if the best case scenario occurs.

Otherwise, we set our expectations too high and  reassure what might not be there, or may not happen. Therefore, if we reduce worrying, reduce fears, and lower anxiety. At that point we are more mindful of holistically enjoying having fun and engaging in your inner present experience.

When we meditate for example we can quiet our mind and remind ourselves to be aware of practical approaches. Natural techniques to remind ourselves of the possibilities of death and loss for example can lead to more meaningful intention to live. As nothing is guaranteed, you are bound to make light of what does transpire.

The point being, wasted efforts need be acknowledged, as uncertainty or insecurity is not always a bad thing, and ay even stem to create thrill and hope …

Adapted by: Oliver Burkeman, a Cambridge graduate, recent winner of the Foreign Press Association Young Journalist of the Year Award, and author of the best-selling book, The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking.


Generativity: Going beyond the Positive for Transformational Change

A question is posed: Think about someone who has brought out the best in you?

What impact in ones lives and our thinking, meaning making and progress around societal and individual generativity has that made? The idea of generativity provides propositions that affect positive emotion enacted by BEING living and breathing moments that spur human growth. The topic of Appreciative inquiry being a whole system experience, beyond positive and more so the act of peaking lively influence. Further ideas discover how generativity is captured;

  • Appreciation and positivity becomes the attraction and reaction lead for shared stories and the lack of depth to AI versus the whole range of people’s experiences.
  • A generative connection through ideas, free will, synergy and desire is unleashed to act on the vision with confidence to take initiative, be cooperative by creativity transformation.
  • Energy, Aliveness, and potential leads to expansive action.
  • Learning the least effective approaches to AI, such that the contingencies in generativity evoke new ideas to distinguish transformational thoughts, emerging from within the people in the organization.
  • Generative transformation stems from decisions and actions that were not available before and is compelling so much that people support it.
  • Sustainable development is improvised to distinguish engagement through inquiry of powerful experiences that challenge true appreciation.

Therefore, we must elicit surprising questions that challenge the status quo to re-frame wholehearted engagement captured by working through stories and brainstorming affirmative questions and stimulated thinking.

Reference: (2012) Ron Fry & Gervase Bushe, personlig kommunikation, 4/48/2012


Differentiation: What sets you apart?

“There is not any rigid and lasting interpretation of specific ways a company should operate at any given time”(Shultz, 2013). That said, in terms of considering differentiation, there is no one way, other than your meaningful contributions being supported by others. Be it in an academic or professional setting you must be true to your value proposition in what sets you apart. The future of implementation of your differentiating value stems from a framework of emerging specialization.That is, globalization is introducing a new niche that includes mobility, availability and thinking in terms of methodology from a global perspective.

Therefore, the importance of differentiation reflects how you will gauge your value in the market. Facilitating flexible strategies that create opportunities for innovative thinking among colleagues is one example. Role modeling in such a way that you are easy to understand and talk to adds-value in performance of world-class scholarship to the global learning experience. Exemplary best practice tactics can be demonstrated by unique identifiers that differentiate your virtual and remote availability to others, such that you are;

  • Contributing out of the box approaches that are celebrated and well esteemed by others
  • Validating collaboration with purpose as it relates to the common-good of the group
  • Being accessible and remotely available just in time
  • Communicating on demand and in real time for group work
  • Being inclusive of others opinions, beliefs and strengths
  • Going into every discussion with an open mind to allow optimal dialogue flow

Reference: Schultz, Doerr, Frederiksen, 2013, Professional Service Marketing

Accentuate the Positive: Using Positive Psychology

Positive Education

Dr. Martin Seligmen believes by using a top quality strengths questionnaire to identify and apply character strengths one can understand your core potential. Applying this theory the development of self-confidence and a more optimistic outlook on life is refereed to as positive education; the teaching of optimism by perpetuating strengths and challenging hope in;

  • Building resilience
  • Character building
  • Forming better relations
  • More engagement
  • More meaning

Dr. Seligmen also believes positive education causes happier people who are likely to perform better. Working towards practicing goals for a higher level of satisfaction that relates to your environment, and the people around you. Conversely, we can accept and feel accepted, secure and connected to our life through reflection on focus to what’s important for our life.

In boarding school for example, the discontinuation of negative behaviors is transformed with physiological and emotionally prolonged enjoyment. With support of overcoming negative emotions we can take control and face what you hope for. Students are pushed to face their fears, surpass their comfort zone and therefore, gain a sense of belonging. Embodying change, how, why the change takes place and defining change through review of how to achieve your goals. 

Deeply meaningful relationships can transpire stemming off improved physical discipline, emotional and mental stimulation and most of all inspiration to re-energize your capability as an individual! It’s facing your biggest challenges as a pinnacle to social realization of one self, reaching ultimate resilience.


Accentuate the Positive: Using Positive Psychology in the Classroom