Dramatic Weight Loss

Posted by on Dec 6, 2012 in Passion | 0 comments


Sooo everyone knows that people will go to extremes for their art but there is a line that maybe shouldn’t be crossed. Anne Hathaway, for her new movie Les Miserables, admitted that she did not eat for 13 days in order to prepare for filming. Let me repeat that: THIS GIRL DID NOT EAT FOR THIRTEEN WHOLE DAYS FOR A MOVIE ROLE. Now I understand that Anne Hathaway’s character in the movie is poor and malnourished but to  starve yourself for such a long time is such an extreme. Hathaway dropped a total of fifteen pounds and for someone who was already skinny that means that she has entered the realm of dangerously underweight.

The issue of body image can be largely attributed to the media. Everyday young girls are assaulted by images and ideas surrounding the “perfect woman”. If someone doesn’t fit this standard, they’re made to feel inferior.  Unfortunately, it seems that normal people are not the only ones who get caught up in the complex of body image issues. Evidently, Anne Hathaway struggles with fitting in to the mold perpetuated by the world that she is so a part of.

Isn’t there a problem with this extreme dieting that so many actresses fall into? Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis both lost an obscene amount of weight in order to look the parts of ballerinas and they also got praised for it. In all of her interviews Anne has been seen as such a dedicated actress for her sacrifices for the role. This shows the dysfunctional nature of a society that praises women for extremely altering their bodies for the entertainment of others.

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