Posts Tagged "Week 18"

WIP: Moderating Philosophy

Posted by on Feb 14, 2013 in Work In Progress | 0 comments

Like most of my classmates, I have no idea how exactly I would like to moderate or what kind of moderator I want ti be. However, seeing the various teaching philosophies assured me that everyone has their own style when it comes to these types of things. Each teaching philosophy was clear and explained the duties and goals of each teacher clearly. I would like to do the exact same thing in my moderator’s philosophy. I especially liked Professor Willitz philosophy. He explained that there is no secret formula to teaching but rather one’s success in the field depended on the effort you put into the job and your interaction with students.  I think that in order to be a good moderator it  will ultimately depend on my people skills. Also, I have to be sure to outline not only my strengths and weaknesses but also what I liked most about moderating.  I think that the things that make a strong philosophy is one that answers all of the framing questions clearly and also has the personal element imbedded in it.

I’ve been thinking of some things that I can put into my moderator’s philosophy:

  • Why I am moderating
  • What makes me want to do it
  • My strengths and weaknesses
  • How this experience will help me in the future
  • What I have learned from being a moderator
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A Change of Face

Posted by on Feb 14, 2013 in Passion | 7 comments


So you may think that the pictures above show two completely different people.  Unfortunately these are pictures of infamous rapper Lil Kim. The rapper appeared on the scene in the 90’s with her album Hard Core which to most is considered a classic rap album. Even though she may have faded into obscurity in the recent years her name has popped up with details of her feud with fellow rapper Nicki Minaj. You may have heard the song “Stupid Hoe”. However, Kim’s newest chance in the spotlight has nothing to do with music.

This isn’t the first time that Lil’ Kim has dabbled with plastic surgery. Since the 2000’s she has been making minor but noticeable changes to her face. A slimmer nose there, a butt implant there. Now, in 2013 Lil Kim has hit the trifecta of plastic surgery:


Not only does she have lighter skin but a larger  chin and even cheek fillers.  Why do people get such extensive plastic surgery? Even for Lil Kim who looked halfway decent before all of her procedures. I can understand maybe a bit of Botox once in a while but to so drastically change your body is an extreme. For one, it doesn’t look good and it’s incredibly noticeable and not in a good way.

Maybe this is a way for the rapper to reinvent herself . She has a new album coming out soon and this new scandal may be a way to drum up attention

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