Passion 2: Mac or PC??!!

Hello and welcome back to Talking Tech with Nolan! After a couple car posts in a row, I am going to switch it up and talk about computers! Today I am going to tackle the age-old debate: PC vs. Mac.

Now, I know this topic might push a few buttons on either side of the spectrum. Most people are very loyal to their camp when it comes to this topic, and I am going to try to be as unbiased as possible to please both sides. That being said, I will give a little disclaimer that I used to be a Mac user, but I have since switched to PC for reasons I will explain later.


Until a few years ago, Macs and PC ran nearly the same hardware. They both largely ran Intel chips as their CPU (main processor) and really had enough of the same hardware to the point that people could run MacOS and Windows operating systems on the opposite device. In the past year or two, that has changed with the introduction of M1, new Apple chips that are now available across the Mac lineup.

These new chips made by Apple, are ultra-fast and have excellent efficiency. These chips have largely been out pacing their Intel and AMD (another PC chip manufacture) counterparts both in performance and battery life.

That being said, with more efficiency and tight integration, Apple is even able to put less memory in its devices than its PC counterparts. More memory, and very high-end processors are also available in PC, but right now because of the state of Apple’s chips, I am going to give the point to Mac on Hardware.

Mac – 1 PC – 0


That brings us to software. Both Windows and MacOS run very smoothly. When it comes to interacting with the operating system, it is a matter of preference.

MacOS is known to be a little more stable than its Windows counterpart, it crashes a little less and is less susceptible to malware, but MacOS can be limiting when it comes to external software downloads. This is actually the reason I do not have a Mac right now. As an Engineering student we use CAD (computer aided design) and other software that is exclusive to Windows devices. Because of that fact, I am going to give the point to PC on Software.

Mac – 1 PC – 1



Macs come in a one-size-fits-all package. You can barely get inside them, let alone upgrade or customize the parts inside them. This can be beneficial because then Apple is able to tightly integrate all of its components but limiting because if you need a more powerful device, more memory or storage, you have to buy a whole new device.

PC on the other hand affords customizability on nearly every front. This is attractive to people who like to keep the same device and upgrade it. Gamers in particular take advantage of the customizability of PCS. That’s a point for PC.

Mac – 1 PC – 2


When it comes to performance, it is a tossup. Depending on the application, PCs might be better, or Macs might be better. Despite this tossup, Macs have been pulling ahead in this category as of late. They get better battery life and performance on most programs. If you want to see a head-to-head comparison of a Mac vs. a PC, check out The Tech Chap’s comparison video. I think I am going to give the point to Mac here.
Mac – 2 PC – 2

Macs are notorious for being expensive machines, but that does not necessarily mean they too overpriced. Now if you want a cheap laptop, you should go PC, but you get what you pay for in a Mac. If you are willing to pay the premium for a Mac, in my opinion, they are better than PC devices in the same price range if you do not need to run a program that is exclusively on Windows operating systems. This might be controversial, but I think I am going to give the point to Mac the value they provide.

Mac – 3 PC – 2

Overall Thoughts:
Looking at the scores, it appears Mac won, but you cannot go wrong when it comes to picking a Mac or a PC. They are both fantastic devices that you will not be disappointed with. It really all comes down to application and user preference when deciding between the two.

Let me know down below if you have a Mac or a Windows and if you would ever be willing to switch to the opposite device! Thanks for reading! Talk to you next week on Talking Tech with Nolan.

Credit for content in this piece: Techquickie


  1. Hey Nolan! I found this post incredibly interesting to read! As someone who’s been a forever Macbook user, I always found the PC a challenging device to use because of the different applications and customizations. This reminds me of last year before I came to Penn State to pick a computer. I was considering switching to a PC because I heard the software was really advanced, holds more storage, and is more sturdy compared to Macbook laptops. However, with the introduction of the M1, I definitely agree with the points you made of the macbook’s performance and price. I bought the Macbook pro and was able to get an Apple plan that holds more than 500 gigabytes of storage along with being easy to carry! But, it all depends on the user and their experience with either device 🙂


  2. Hey Nolan, I just wanted to let you know that this is a great topic for a passion blog. I couldn’t really relate to the car posts, but this is something I’m big on. I actually own a PC desktop and a Macbook, so this is a really interesting topic for me. I love the customizability of my PC; I built it myself, so I was able to choose every component based on my needs. However, I love my MacBook, and it’s worked so well for me through school so far. My Mac’s processing power for its size is something to behold, but this laptop was (if I’m remembering right) the same price, if not more expensive than my PC. No matter the case, I love them both, but I don’t think I’d be willing to switch to a Mac desktop. Do you prefer one over the other? Thanks for sharing this post.


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