In honor of World Indigenous People’s Day, which is August 9th, here are some resources about the Yanomami tribe.

The Yanomami people are native to South America, specifically to the rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil and southern Venezuela. Follow this link to learn more about the Yanomami way of life and the issues that threaten the tribe:

The following link is a documentary about the Yanomami shamanic ritual. When viewing this video, it is important to understand that various cultures have different practices and traditions. A culture’s traditions may seem strange to someone who is not a part of that culture, but is seen as a totally normal and routine part of life for someone who is a part of that culture. The documentary was produced by The Pennsylvania State University in 1973. It is a fascinating glimpse into Yanomami culture, and documents the processes of the Yanomami shamanic ritual from start to finish.

  • Chagnon, N. & Asch, T. (1973). Magical death [Video file]. Retrieved from
  • Cox, S. (Photographer). (n.d.).Yanomami mother and child alongside the river [photograph]. Survival.
  • Survival. (n.d.). The Yanomami. Retrieved from