A major challenge to teaching students using a global, interdisciplinary perspective is encouraging students to expand their local perspectives and focus. Global challenges (i.e. demographic and migratory trends, political representation) have made more urgent the need for more inclusive analytical viewpoints.

For both practical and philosophical reasons, we eschewed reliance on study abroad as a means to cross global boundaries and break down barriers. Our interviews with colleagues suggest that a major barrier to incorporating new perspectives is the practical issue of not knowing what to do.

The purpose of this site is to provide some of these resources. We welcome suggestions from anyone for additions. 

For more information:

Verónica Montecinos, Penn State Greater Allegheny
Margaret L. Signorella, Penn State Brandywine

APA and torture update

The controversy over the use of torture during the Irag War was centered in the US and within psychology, in the American Psychological Association (APA). Nonetheless, persons from outside the US were impacted as they were subjected to extreme interrogation methods....