Canvas recently released a new feature for the Rich Content Editor called the “Icon Maker.” Learn more about this feature, some best practices, and tips on how using (or avoiding) the feature can improve the design of your course.
Quick Links
Event Recording | What Is the Icon Maker? | Use Icons To…
Why Use This Tool? | Best Practices | Examples | Relevant Guides
Event Recording
What Is the Icon Maker?
The Icon Maker is a simple icon builder that’s built-in to the Rich Content Editor of Canvas. The tool enables you to create simple icons in different shapes, sizes, colors, and text options without leaving Canvas’ interface or opening another software program.
Use Icons To…
…Chunk Content
Add to a section header to emphasize a block or chunk of content. (sample text below borrowed from Penn State’s Canvas Styles resource)
White Space
White space is defined as the space between elements. Good use of white space helps create page layouts that are easier to view, improve readability, and lessen cognitive load. This can help keep learners stay engaged with the content. If elements like callout boxes, tables, and headings aren’t clearly separated, readers may have difficulty understanding where one section begins and another ends.
…Use As A Navigational Aid
Create icons to direct students to custom resource tabs, or a targeted navigation menu.
…Associate Image With A Call To Action
Create an icon that functions as a consistent call to action, such as for readings or assignments.
Remember: When you read this week’s article, focus on the author’s use of key sentences.
Why You Should Consider Using This Tool
There are many ways to create icons outside of Canvas, and these tools offer more control over style and design. But, there are a few benefits I see to the tool:
- The tool is built into Canvas, so you don’t need to go outside the software.
- It’s fairly easy to use, and doesn’t require significant design experience.
- My favorite feature is that you can tell Canvas to update every instance of an icon to make changes across an entire course.
- Icons can help build some visual cohesion to your course design.
- Once you identify your needs, you can build an icon toolkit and easily drop-in icons for use in your course builds.
Best Practices/Caveats
*Note: The customization options are limited, and currently, Canvas Icon Maker does not allow you to make custom icons from images, although this is in their roadmap of future features. Canvas regularly makes updates to its tools, though, so keep an eye for updates to this feature and (hopefully) the addition of other icon options.
Keep It Simple!
- Use icons sparingly.
- Don’t replace all bullets with icons, or use icons as a substitution for headers.
- Remember to write alt-text.
- Imagine what the image would need to be if it was only text instead of an icon.
- For higher ed, I’d recommend using only icon sizes of small and extra small.
- While it’s an extra step, consider resizing the default icon sizes smaller if no text is in the icon.
- Keep a consistent color palette/shape/text style.
- If you’re building with icons, your default text size should probably be 14 or 16.
- Mobile users may see poor alignment even if the layout looks right for the laptop screen.
- When possible, consider using center aligned icons and/or center justifying.
Make a Course Toolkit
Consider making a toolkit that you can pull from throughout your course. The toolkit should be simple, and reflect 2-3 clear use cases. Once you make your toolkit, you can easily distribute them across a course when building.
- If you also edit the icons afterwards, you can “apply changes to all instances of this Icon Maker Icon in the course.”
General Purpose Chunking
Learning Objective/Repeated Question
Remember: When you read this week’s article, focus on….
Custom Navigation Menu Callout
Some Possible Color Combinations:
Example 1: The Penn Stater
- Icon Color #001E44
- Icon Outline #1E407C
- Text Color: #FFFFFF
Example 2: The Highlight
Note: Please remember to submit your feedback by…
- Icon Color #F2665E
- Icon Outline #000321
- Text Color: #000321
Example 3: The Neutral
- Icon Color #e4e5e7
- Icon Outline #000321
- Text Color: #000321