“It Takes a Village” (to raise a child) is from an African proverb, illustrating the importance of everyone in a tribe contributing to the welfare of a child born into a family residing in the tribe. The overarching message is concerned with the well-being of the community. Our PLC community continues to support one another in our innovative endeavors, with extra special assistance from our CLT colleagues.
(This scene of village life was painted on the wall of a northern coastal town in Mauritania: Andrew Watson/Getty Images/AWL Images)
Our Innovative Instructional Technology (learning) group met again for a “meeting of the minds” as we made a plan for the semester, and we regrouped about the progress individuals were making toward their goals. Although our group plans to finish reading/discussing our central text, it is inspiring to hear the strides everyone is already making and the plans of those who will making adaptations when time permits. A number of colleagues shared the technological and innovative enhancements they are adding to their courses, all with the end goal of increased student learning. What a wonderful sentiment it is that we are invested in this group to learn about ways we can innovate our courses and the ways we are trying to put student learning first.
The undeniable theme that was indisputable as I listened during our last session is how much we rely on one another and how much we rely on the amazing CLT team that supports our work. Everyone who mentioned a project or enhancement they were attempting to complete also mentioned the name of a TLT colleague who was assisting in that project. Both Mary Ann and Amy were instrumental in helping to navigate the challenges, offer insight into different digital tools, and provide support every step of the way. Stephanie was also mentioned as a wonderful “pinch hitter” for Amy and a huge asset to the group. As a result of their help and hard work, several members of the group will be presenting the learning from our PLC at the TLT Symposium in a Discovery session.
Finding time to come together (both face-to-face and virtually), read outside of all the balls we juggle, and implement (and plan to implement) new and innovative practices into our classes is daunting. Yet, it is all made possible with “a little help from our friends.” In fairness, the help we get is quite a bit. The help and support is undeniable, needed, and so appreciated. As we move forward with this group and the ways in which we will continue to expand our thinking to improve professionally, that continued support is what drives us and helps to keep our train on the tracks. That CLT support as well as the encouragement from one another is what is going to drive us to reach new and innovative heights. Thank you to our entire village…