The Avengers POSTER STOP ONLINE The Avengers - Marvel Movie Poster  (International Regular/Avengers Assemble) (Size 24" x 36"): Prints: Posters  & Prints

Oops, I am doing this late yet again. If I am learning anything from this blog it is that I need to complete them on the due date consistently or I will keep falling further and further behind. Blog response group – please don’t hate me <3.

ANYWAYS moving onto what you guys are actually here to read, my review of the next Marvel movie: The Avengers.

In this movie, Thor’s evil brother gets ahold of that magical blue cube that was present in the other movies (aka the Tessaract). In an attempt to save the universe Nick Fury assembles a team to try and get the Tessaract back. I will not go any further into the plot so that there are not any spoilers if you have yet to see the movie. Even though I am pretty sure I am one of the last people on this planet to watch Marvel movies.

To say the least, I was pretty excited to watch this movie. The multiple plotlines that I had watched thus far were finally getting tied together and characters that I had grown to love were being brought back. Luckily, I was not disappointed.

With a $220 million budget in 2012, the Marvel production team spared no expense on the production of this movie. The special effects were amazing and I would even say that they were comparable to movies that have come out in the past few years. The cast was heavy-hitting and carried the storyline phenomenally.

Something that I especially loved about this movie was that even if I had not seen the movie timeline that led up to this production I would still be able to enjoy the movie. The comedy in this movie was great as always for Marvel movies. However, one nit-picky complaint that I do have in regards to the Marvel movies is the name Loki. I would just like to have a friendly conversation with whoever thought this was a great name for a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I loved finally seeing a crossover of Marvel Universe characters and I think this movie finally made me understand the hype surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Seeing the character stories overlap into one story was really exciting for me and was the crossover event I had been waiting for.

The next movie that I have on my watch list is THOR: The Dark World. I am not as excited for this one but I do have to say my main motivation is that I have another Captain America movie coming up soon within the coming weeks.


Thor movie poster #706952 -







The movie that I got to watch this week was the movie Thor. This movie came out in 2011 and in my opinion has one of the most iconic cast lists out of the Marvel movies I have seen thus far. With well-known actors Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman this movie is sure to not disappoint.

Overall, on the casting I cannot think of a better actor to play Thor. He played the part of an arrogant and cocky male at some points wonderfully. However, the emotional growth and action packed scenes were definitely ones to note. One thing that I think was especially unique to this movie is that it felt like it had an ancient Greek theme. Similar to that of the recent Marvel release Eternals. Most of the movie have a modern feel and I could not really trace it back to certain cultural themes. This movie however felt like it had ties to ancient Greek stories that I had learned about in middle school. After, reading some reviews on this movie I found out that some were not particular fans of this stylistic choice for the plot. However, I loved it and I think it really made this movie stand out in comparison to the other Marvel movies I have seen.

Another thing that I loved from this movie is that it was easy to follow. I will admit I probably have one of the worst attention spans of all time. Hence why getting myself to sit down and watch a movie in itself is definitely a challenge. I am that friend that checks their phone during the movie and always asks clarifying questions on what just happened. However, while this movie continues to stun and be a fan favorite of avid movie watchers. I really enjoyed it not only because the movie was good but because it was easy to follow. It was easy for me to catch back up to the plot of the movie when I would inevitably get confused. I was also able to see some connections throughout the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe and common themes throughout the movies. I even got to catch some of the Easter eggs hidden throughout the movie. Which if you have trouble maintaining full attention on movies I would definitely suggest keeping a list of Easter eggs for yourself.

The extra scene at the end of the movie I think was definitely more enjoyable but I am not quite sure if that is because the quality of the scene changed or if it is because I suddenly have a better understanding of the Marvel Universe.

Overall, I am a pretty big fan of the Thor movie and am looking forward to watching the rest during this venture down the hole that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The next movie that I will be watching is The Avengers. I am quite excited about this because I feel like I will have an understanding of a chunk of the movies and it feels like I am moving into another chapter of the Marvel universe. I am looking forward to seeing how all of the movies I have watched so far will tie together in The Avengers movie.

Iron Man Two

Iron Man 2 (2010) 11x17 Movie Poster -

Here is a fun little game lol – I have no idea how to work Penn State sites so the movie poster will unfortunately not be in the middle of the blog post, that is my bad.

A little late but here nonetheless I finally watched Iron Man 2. I am normally a big defendant for sequel movies, however, I do have to say that this movie was nowhere as good of a production as the first Iron Man movie was. Despite Clara’s hot take of not liking Tony Stark I think his performance remained commendable it was the plot that was lacking.

The plot did not seem to be very original in comparison to the first movie and quite frankly I don’t think it was the sequel that we all thought we needed. The subseries could have very well have been capped off at the first movie as I do not really even think that the second Iron Man movie really added to the plot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although, I know there is a third Iron Man movie within the cinematic universe I can safely say it is not a movie that I am looking forward to watching unfortunately. Hopefully, I am pleasantly surprised by Iron Man 3 but I do remain doubtful.

I am choosing to skip past the One Shot content provided by Disney + as I have been told they are not really necessary. Therefore, the next movie that I have to watch in order is Thor. Needless to say I may or may not be excited because I am a big fan of Chris Hemsworth’s appearance. I did also hear it was a pretty good movie. The only background knowledge I have on this segment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is on Thor’s hammer so I am hoping that after watching this one I will have a solid background on the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s storyline.

While I know I have not been getting through the content in the Marvel Cinematic Universe quickly, I am chugging along and have enjoyed it greatly thus far.

Iron Man

Iron Man - Rotten Tomatoes

When the first movie in the Iron Man chapter came out I was of an extremely young age around the age of five, give or take. I remember my mom buying her best friend’s son a plethora of Iron Man toys that would always manage to inconveniently turn on while I was trying to sleep. Since then, five-year-old me vowed not to become obsessed with Iron Man just as my mom’s friend’s son had. Fast forward to 2022 and coincidentally I have unintentionally kept that promise and to my surprise, the Iron Man movie was nowhere as annoying as my five-year-old self had made the movie out to be in my head.

Honestly, watching this movie I do not have too much to report. The quality of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies was definitely upheld and supported by an amazing cast.

The first Iron Man movie came out on May 2, 2008, and has a star-studded cast including Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow. The movie was definitely unique as it was the first movie I had seen from the Marvel Cinematic Universe where the villain was not a spy or secret agency. I found this intriguing and I hope this theme is kept up for future movies.

With Iron Man being one of the older Marvel Cinematic Universe movies I thought that the special effects and technological aspects for the movie were great. When I was watching the movie I did not feel that the storyline or production value had gotten too cheesy. I also thought that Robert Downey Jr. did an amazing job in his role. He held true to the role and the gravity of the situation while still inserting comedy and lightening the mood.

Overall, I was a big fan of the Iron Man movie and am looking forward to seeing how I feel about the other Iron Man movies in the future. Luckily I do not have to be left on a cliffhanger for too long because the next movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe going in order is Iron Man Two, which I plan to review in the coming week!


Captain Marvel

For this week’s passion blog I watched the movie, Captain Marvel. Captain  Marvel is the 21st movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe it came out in 2019. This movie contains large-scale actors such as Brie Larsen and Samuel L. Jackson.

Captain Marvel details the story of the intergalactic battle between the Kree and Skrulls. Unfortunately, though after helping United States’ AirForce pilot Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel loses her memory associated with her previous life due to a blast from (I call it the blue box I am not sure what that thing is called). She and Nick eventually partner up to harness her power and to win the battle.

Overall, I have to say I did genuinely enjoy this movie more than I did Captain America: The First Avenger. The graphics and special effects were exponentially better, most likely because the movie came out more recently. I also enjoyed the main female cast, this definitely stood out to me because from what I have seen of the Marvel Cinematic Universe the main characters tend to be male and there are fewer diverse perspectives. I enjoyed the part with the cat being one of the most vicious creatures in the intergalactic battle because as someone who owns three cats they truly do run my world.

This movie seemed to be a perfect blend of comedy but also added to the timeline of the Marvel Universe. It is clear that whatever the blue box thing is, is going to be of extreme significance in future movies and I am assuming it will be brought up again. I do not always have time to watch movies and finding a two-hour block where I am available to sit down and watch one of these movies is difficult, so while both movies have left me on a cliffhanger I am grateful to see the extra clips during the end credits to at least foreshadow what is coming next and when I can expect to see certain characters again.

The next movie in the Timeline Order provided by Disney+ is the first Iron Man. Since there are two movies I am going to try my best to watch both before next week’s passion blog post!


Captain America: The First Avenger

For this passion blog I will be taking on the Marvel movies in chronological order as they are listed on Disney+ (I know not all of the movies are on there but my friends said the ones that are missing are not ones worth watching anyway). I got to watch this movie on my own and it is actually the first Marvel movie I have ever seen. However, when I was younger I remember my friend being extremely obsessed with the Captain America series and always rambling on about it.

For my first ever Marvel movie, I found it interesting. I enjoyed the storyline about how the soldier who received the serum was not the one who was the strongest but the one who was the kindest. Also, the extremely prevalent themes of the importance of friendship and loyalty really stood out to me as well. Especially when Captain America left his easy job to go save his friend from being a prisoner of war. This movie did make me wonder though if the storyline of the Marvel Universe was about the protection of those in America or what the overarching storyline is because I do know from movie ads that there are other worlds within the universe, so I am excited to see how this plays out.

I was also left wondering if Bucky will be coming back after unfortunately falling off the train and how that will work within the timeline. My favorite part I do have to was the hidden clip at the end of the movie that hinted towards how the plot line would progress.

The next movie that I have to watch according to Disney+ is Captain Marvel. I truly do not have any predictions for this movie given that I have never heard of Captain Marvel before and I am wondering if she plays an integral part in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. My mom is coming up to State College for my birthday weekend so I am hoping that I will get to watch this movie with her and provide double the insight in the next post!