Oops, I am doing this late yet again. If I am learning anything from this blog it is that I need to complete them on the due date consistently or I will keep falling further and further behind. Blog response group – please don’t hate me <3.
ANYWAYS moving onto what you guys are actually here to read, my review of the next Marvel movie: The Avengers.
In this movie, Thor’s evil brother gets ahold of that magical blue cube that was present in the other movies (aka the Tessaract). In an attempt to save the universe Nick Fury assembles a team to try and get the Tessaract back. I will not go any further into the plot so that there are not any spoilers if you have yet to see the movie. Even though I am pretty sure I am one of the last people on this planet to watch Marvel movies.
To say the least, I was pretty excited to watch this movie. The multiple plotlines that I had watched thus far were finally getting tied together and characters that I had grown to love were being brought back. Luckily, I was not disappointed.
With a $220 million budget in 2012, the Marvel production team spared no expense on the production of this movie. The special effects were amazing and I would even say that they were comparable to movies that have come out in the past few years. The cast was heavy-hitting and carried the storyline phenomenally.
Something that I especially loved about this movie was that even if I had not seen the movie timeline that led up to this production I would still be able to enjoy the movie. The comedy in this movie was great as always for Marvel movies. However, one nit-picky complaint that I do have in regards to the Marvel movies is the name Loki. I would just like to have a friendly conversation with whoever thought this was a great name for a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I loved finally seeing a crossover of Marvel Universe characters and I think this movie finally made me understand the hype surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Seeing the character stories overlap into one story was really exciting for me and was the crossover event I had been waiting for.
The next movie that I have on my watch list is THOR: The Dark World. I am not as excited for this one but I do have to say my main motivation is that I have another Captain America movie coming up soon within the coming weeks.
The struggle is real with getting these in. I feel ya. This movie looks super dope. I regret not following the MCU more closely, I really only tuned in for Infinity War, Endgame, and spiderman. And Guardians of the Galaxy. I’ll have to expand my horizons and check it out.