Instructions for ENGL 419 Blog

English 419

Keeping Current in Business Assignment

Due throughout semester (see below)

Blogging is an informal and immediate form of business writing. The purpose of this assignment is to use that informality, as well as the capacity for linking to a variety of online media, to think reflectively about current trends and topics being discussed in the business world outside of class.

Blogging is your opportunity to join the read/write digital culture of the 21st century and enhance your social media skills. For additional guidance regarding how to blog effectively, visit O’Reilly’s Radar. O’Reilly suggests that bloggers’ primary key to successful communication is using an “authentic, personal voice, and [the] ability to synthesize news with viewpoint.”

It is also true that more and more employers are asking applicants if they have a website or other web presence that they can access easily.  Managing your “digital tattoo” is crucial when over 90% of recruiters perform an online search of a candidate before setting up an interview.  By ruthlessly editing your web presence and creating a more professional online portfolio, you can develop a rich alternative for employers who want to see beyond your one-page resume.  The interactive nature of blogging also allows us to create online communities through written conversation.


Step 1: Access the library’s guide to resources for keeping current in business.  Chances are these sources will be available online, but print sources may be used as well.

Step 2:  Using respected sources of information, explore trends in business or topics of interest to you (within the subject of business and related to communication).

Step 3: Write an informative blog introduction on the home page.  Highlight the content and purpose of your blog and explain who you are as the writer.  Your home page will be your chance to capture the audience.

Step 4: Write at least 5 blog entries over the course of the semester.    Each blog entry must include an interesting and well-organized discussion (least 200 words), visual and a catchy title.  The purpose here is to make your entry so compelling that others will WANT to read it and comment on it.  Increase readability with interesting and relevant headings and short paragraphs.

Step 5: Write at least 5 comments on the blogs written by your fellow classmates.  Include additional links and/or visuals to deepen the discussion.  Comments should be at least 100 words.

How to Submit Your Posts for a Grade

In order for me to provide confidential evaluation information to you and to keep all grading information in Angel, please follow these steps:

First, compose, design and post your blog entries and comments on your and other students’ websites.

Then, post a link to your entry and/or comment in the designated Angel Discussion Forum.  Posting links on Angel will enable me to email your grade to you directly and privately.

Check the Discussion Forum frequently for interesting blog entries from your fellow students.

Important: Post only two entries of any type per week.  I will evaluate the blogs every Tuesday morning.

Evaluation Criteria

The Keeping Current in Business Assignment is worth 15 percent of your grade (15 points).  Each blog entry is worth up to 2 points (one for style and one for content).  Each comment is worth up to 1 point.

Blog Posts:

In order to receive a point for style, the blog entry should be written in the “upside down triangle” format, and must include at least 1 visual, at least 2 headings, at least 1 content link, two or fewer grammar/style errors, and at least 200 words.

In order to receive a point for content, the entry should demonstrate thoughtful, interesting consideration of the referenced text.  Value-added entries will include links to other articles discussing a similar topic.


In order to receive the point, comments should be thoughtful, insightful, non- confrontational and at least 100 words.  Value-added comments will include links to other articles discussing a similar topic.

Extra Credit Opportunity:

After the entire assignment is completed (5 blog entries and 5 comments), you may write additional postings for extra credit.  Any extra credit will be added to your final PRB grade.

Here’s how they will be scored:

Correct blog entries are worth an extra .05 each; correct comments, an extra .025 each.  Note: Extra credit entries do not “make up” for low scores on original entries/comments.

For example – say you were able to achieve 12 pluses on your first five entries and five comments.  Say you also completed 2 additional entries and 1 additional comment. Your total PRB score would then be 12.125.

Remember: I will accept only two postings, of any sort, per week


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