The Sullivan cult existed of around 500 members in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Led by Saul B Newman, a Spanish Civil War veteran and his wife, Dr. Jane Pearce, a self- taught marxist therapist. Neither of them had any formal training in the field of psychology but started the Sullivan Institute in 1957, a therapy and polygamy center which attracted many artists and intellectuals in the ‘60’s. Newton’s goal was to establish an alternative to the traditional nuclear family, which he thought to be the main cause of social anxiety. Sullivanians, as the members were called, were forbidden from being in exclusive relationships, everyone was encouraged to have sexual relationships with each other. Children born into the movement would be sent off to boarding school or have caretakers, only seeing their parents for an hour or two a day. Members were also encouraged to cut off all relationships with outside people, including family members, except in the event of needed monetary support.
Over the years, the movement became more authoritarian and destructive. In the 70’s Newton replaced his first wife, Jane, with Joan Harvey, an actress. Sullivanians joined forces with a theater group and wanted to sign a lease on a theater space. When the occupants refused to vacate, hundreds of Sullivanians flooded the theater and ascended the space with chaos, destroying sets, resulting in 3 arrests. After the Three Mile Island accident, a nuclear power plant disaster in Pennsylvania near Harrisburg, Sullivanians went to Orlando for a few weeks to avoid the destruction of Manhattan. When they came back, anyone who did not go on the trip was ostracized by Newton. Things changed drastically. Newton became extremely paranoid and even requested a room at their new facility be built with quarter in steel plated walls so Joan Harvey could edit her new film without the CIA interfering. Because Newton thought the world was out to get him, he resorted to intimidation and violence.Throughout the ‘80’s, therapists used intimidation and fear tactics to get the members to conform and act as they wished. They desired to control who had kids and how many and who with. One account of when a member tried to leave, two Sullivanians tracked the man down to the subway and dangled him over the tracks threatening to kill him if he left the movement. One of those men was Newton’s son. The movement slowly crumbled throughout the ‘80’s, with several court cases revealing the brutalities and controversial practices around raising children. The cult ultimately ended in 1991 with Newton’s death.
Lisa says:
This cult is pretty disturbing in a lot of ways, from the therapists not actually having any education to the threatening that happened when people tried to leave. I found it surprising that even Newton’s son wanted to leave, and I am curious as to what happened to him after.
December 4, 2018 — 3:01 pm
Marc Slifer says:
Not defending this cult (which I was part of) but Jane Pearce was an MD Psychiatrist, not “uneducated”.
November 28, 2020 — 2:08 am
Elizabeth Cordova says:
I am interested in finding out what if anything has been written about Dr. Pearce as a psychiatrist and as a person (year of her death and the like… ) and thought to ask if you know of any such works available.
Thx in any case
December 16, 2021 — 2:08 am
Marc Slifer says:
Sorry, can’t help you with that. I do know that once Saul dumped her in the early ’70s, she became less important in the group hierarchy, For a few years, she still had some status in the group (I took a course with her on the teachings of Frieda Fromm Reichman). However, by the late ’70s (especially with the advent of the Fourth Wall Theater Company), she ceased to have any role in “the group”. I found that her name is too common to trace what happened to her. I think she pretty much wrote “The Conditions of Human Growth”, which I think is a product of its time, but (given that) not very radical. Saul Newton (who I believe was a malignant narcissist) is the person who created the cult. That being said, Jane certainly went along with him for close to 20 years.
December 20, 2021 — 4:53 am
Madlane says:
I saw all my life for a gentle group that followed. These principles had no Richard rules about cutting yourself off from the rest of society or what not. On the contrary, if 1 is open about this, it may draw other people curious about the lifestyle. The shared parenting, all re-creates the way, so primitive people have lived Many many years. People should always be able to come and go freely, the idea is to create something so wonderful that they wouldn’t want to leave.
January 9, 2025 — 9:48 pm
Madlane says:
Sorry, that was dictated but not proofread and so there are a lot of typos.
January 9, 2025 — 9:50 pm
Nur says:
Hi, I’m a psychology student and I’m preparing an assignment about the Sullivan cult. If you want, I would like to contact you and ask questions.
December 15, 2022 — 9:21 pm
Marc Slifer says:
LOL. I haven’t checked this thread for a couple of years (by googling my name),but happened to check it a day after you posted this. Yes, I’d be willing to talk to you. My cell # is 646-221-2816. However, I just need to admit that I’m experiencing some “long covid” symptoms (I was infected in June) including some “brain fog”. Right now, late in the day is better for me. I assume you’ve read Amy Siskind’s book.
December 17, 2022 — 2:49 am
NUR says:
Hello Marc, no I just found you through the blog, I would like to ask you a few questions for an assignment and Email would be the best way of contact for me, hope we can get that sorted as fast as possible, my email is ..
December 19, 2022 — 8:45 pm
NUR says:
December 19, 2022 — 8:47 pm
NUR says:
sorry, I forgot to add an e-mail, I’m feeling tired, I had an exam. e-mail
December 19, 2022 — 8:50 pm
Audrey says:
Marc, hi
how was the film? Audrey here from a million years ago. How are you?
June 22, 2023 — 8:19 pm
Kaethe Cherney says:
You should read my novel about the experience of losing my siblings to the Sullivanians – its called Happy as Larry: A New York Story of Cults, Crushes and Quaaludes by Kaethe Cherney
March 19, 2023 — 10:10 am
Marc Slifer says:
+I did read your book. I also saw the first episode of Keith Newton’s 4 part documentary about the group at the Tribeca Film Festival yesterday.
June 12, 2023 — 1:13 am
Audrey says:
are you Chris’s daughter? my name is Audrey, was in the group and Chris was a good friend
June 22, 2023 — 8:18 pm
Alice Graves says:
I wrote a memoir about my experiences in the group from 1973-84. It’s called “Don’t Tell Anyone: A Cult Memoir” by Alice Graves. It’s available on Amazon.
February 24, 2024 — 5:52 pm
Alison Howard says:
Hello Marc,
Just read your comment and wondered if you would share the names of the therapists who were treating the members of the Sullivanian Institute? I am a clinical psychologist and very interested in this story. Thank you in advance.
Alison Howard
June 25, 2023 — 10:13 pm
Emma Lutz says:
The most interesting thing about this cult is the fact that Newton was married, yet the main basis of his cult was polygamy. It goes to show that many times these ‘benevolent’ cult leaders who claim to be part of the whole movement only truly desire control over others. I always wonder what makes people join these cults in the beginning.
December 6, 2018 — 6:19 pm
Marc Slifer says:
If you read the group’s foundational text (“The Conditions of Human Growth”) you’d see that marriage wasn’t prohibited, but reserved for those who had achieved a level of “growth” that allowed them to be married while still upholding the core beliefs of the group, which included “dating” various other people. Of course, this only included the leaders of the cult. How people get involved in cults is probably very different now (see QAnon) than it was back in the ’70s. I joined because my communal house was breaking up, a couple of roommates invited me to move with them from NJ to NYC (an exciting move), and the women I had met in “the group” assumed that we would have sex immediately and often (I was 22).
December 24, 2021 — 3:57 am
cock man says:
Ur all gayyy
May 12, 2022 — 7:22 pm
Cock Man #2 says:
May 19, 2022 — 1:54 pm
👆 Oh good grief. It looks like we’ve got a slow one with us folks. ☝
You really had nothing better to do than to troll a lonely PSU article from 2018? One with just 6 comments on it? That’s pretty weak man. ✂
May 26, 2022 — 5:21 am
Kerry edwards says:
I was in the cult for 7 years and am trying to figure out why they had such control over me
December 24, 2022 — 6:28 pm
Kerry Edwards says:
hey, i’m trying to find my 2 good friends andrea and elizabeth.
i’m have memory loss and i’d like to follow up and remember what happened to us.
March 2, 2023 — 10:21 pm
rebecca jones says:
Hi this is rebecca i am doing a school project on this cult and i would like if i could have personal information from when you were in the cult if you do not mind. Kerry or mark if you are willing please comment back.
April 11, 2023 — 1:33 pm
Marc Slifer says:
Let me know what you want to know.
June 12, 2023 — 1:15 am
ANN G. BETZ says:
Trying to track down anyone who knew William (or Bill or Will) Sharon, who was a member of this cult. Marc Slifer or Kerry, did you know him by chance? Much appreciated.
July 25, 2023 — 2:41 am
Paul Bedard says:
This article is very poorly written. Few of the grammatical units presented are actual sentences – subject, verb, object. The semicolon is unknown.
December 31, 2024 — 2:59 am