Two Year Anniversary

Terry D. Etherton

It is hard to believe that two years have past since I launched the Terry Etherton Blog on Biotechnology and Terry Etherton’s Blog on Hormones, Biotechnology and Food Safety.

The driving force for the creation of these blogs was to provide a public forum for presenting science-based facts about numerous issues that broadly relate to the use of biotechnologies and technologies for food production. Given all the “stuff” that has been spewed out by opponents of science and biotechnology over the past two years, there is an ever greater need for scientists and concerned consumers to defend the role of science in society.

As I have written in my blogs, the anti-science activist groups are well organized and funded. Moreover, the scientific community continues to remain quiet.

Recently, the American Council on Science and Health presented the first Henry I. Miller Award for Excellence in Public Health Education to Dr. Henry Miller. This award was created to honor scientists who speak out on health and science issues. I applaud Dr. Miller and the American Council on Science and Health! I, too, encourage other scientists to come out of their classrooms and laboratories to take on those who distort science…the luddites who attack science and technological innovation.

For those of you who care about the scientific method and the discoveries made in laboratories, some of which become incredibly valuable products that benefit society, my encouragement is to become involved in the public discussion…to defend science and the right to use safe and beneficial products of biotechnology!

…on to Year 3!