5 thoughts on “Claire Phillips

  1. Hi, I’m Wendy Dann, I’m a freelance director and I teach directing at Ithaca College. I’m responding strongly to your research here: especially the scraped wood on the doorways, the grass growing up between cracked bricks, the hot firey sconces..they really resonate with the decay and the passion/fire of the climax

  2. Hi Claire–I’m Jennifer Werner (Director/Choreographer). Really fantastic images you have to pull from here. The detail and texture of the floor surfaces are wonderful. Also love the simplicity and the ominous feel of the title photo.

  3. Hi Claire,

    My name is Pam Berlin and I’m a director.

    You have provided wonderful evocative, textured images that clearly express your emotional and visceral responses to the play. The introductory photo of the derelict backyard and the brick facade already begins to tell a story, and the photos in your place and time collages are intriguing. It’s a very exciting place to begin.

  4. good job, keep it up. a political message in a play can be tough to make work on stage, but when it works, it’s fantastic. -BB

  5. Hi Claire 🙂

    I really enjoyed looking through your portion of the website. I remember looking at it when we first started this project, and I love the new things that have been added! I especially like the elevations you drafted. You went above and beyond (as always), but they are incredible and help get your exact view for the set across. In your research presentation, you thought to put bars on the windows because that’s how they were built at the time, but you also say that it “gives a subtle nod to Medea’s sense of being trapped in the house; the windows and doors quite literally form a cage for her.” I never EVER would’ve thought about it that way, and I like how it is a combination of thematic and design elements. I also like how you decided to set the show in present day and include images of Trump and immigration paraphernalia. People always ask “why now” and “why this show,” and I think doing this show during such a controversial time answers these questions. Overall, very good job 🙂

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