PA Quitline Study
Aim 1 – Analyze quitline data to conduct a quantitative analysis of the PA quitline text messaging program
- Collect quitline participant characteristics
- Conduct geospatial analysis
- Quitline user zip codes
- Landmarks (tobacco retailers)
- Social determinants (neighborhood environment, socioeconomic variables)
- Analyze quitline engagement & abstinence
PA Quitline Qualitative Interview Study
Aim 2 – Conduct qualitative interviews to understand barriers and breakthroughs to quitting
- Participant recruitment
- Semi-structured, open-ended interviews
- Interview transcription and thematic analysis
Pilot EMA Smoking Cessation Study
Aim 3 – Pilot EMA Project (DREAM) to develop culturally-tailored mHealth interventions that address smoking cessation barriers
- Participant recruitment
- Assess stress, affect, physiology, behavior, health and cue reactivity in real-time using PSU DREAM initiative (mobile phone)
- Assess exhaled carbon monoxide (CO) level via mobile monitor
- Use feedback from assessments to design a culturally-tailored smoking cessation intervention for a NIH r01 application
Click here for more information about our current projects.