Category Archives: FPS

Whatever Works

When the combat in Mirror’s Edge works, it actually works.

My biggest problem is that when combat is required, it’s always in a big open room with enemies chasing you or shooting you constantly. It calls for a lot of cumbersome set-up that might not always work out.

I think the game would’ve benefited more by giving you more controlled spaces to fight in. Not quite like the first game, but not as open as this game where just trying to find an efficient path can be a little irritating.

At the very least, more defensive options. Shift it alright, but it’s only worth using if there’s only one enemy left. Engagements come down to running around the room to build up some focus shield while trying to find something to springboard off of and hope that there’s an enemy to hit.

The game never feels as fluid as it wants to be in most combat situations, but sometimes there’s little moments like this.

It’s simple, but I wish the game was filled with more bite-sized engagements like this instead of just throwing you into a room with a whole bunch of chasers and shooters.

The Spider Entraps Herself

Here’s something I had to go back and look at multiple times.

A Widowmaker jumps in front of me after I perform a recall. Apparently, she had placed a venom mine where I was last at before the recall.

A venom mine isn’t going to go off unless an enemy walks past it, i.e. me. But that Widowmaker was in the wrong place at the wrong time when I popped back up.

After I finish recalling, look how there’s a orang-ish aura around the Widowmaker in white. That means that she was affected by the venom mine.

Then look at the kill feed in the in the upper left hand corner in the video after the Widowmaker dies. With no one on the left side of the arrow to indicate who the killer was means that the Widowmaker committed suicide, more or less. Death by her own venom mine performing the final blow.

I have to say, this is one of the more interesting screw-ups I’ve seen in this game. I never would’ve saw it if I hadn’t been going through my highlights, as I obviously missed it in game.


So, Pharah is my favorite attack character, but as of late I haven’t been using her as much as I would like to. The new map, Oasis, that was added in a recent update is changing that though.

The aesthetics of the map are quite nice. I like that it isn’t too bright like most of the other maps, but not too dark like the ugliness that is Watchpoint: Gibraltar.

But the best part of the map is the open air space and maneuverability it provides. Pharah’s ultimate is quite possibly one of the more difficult ultimates to decide when to use. But sometimes, just sometimes, target fodder presents itself so blatantly, that it’s just too good to pass up.

The only mistake I made was not firing a concussion grenade to blow that McCree off of the map. I need to use concussion grenades more often. Oh well, I corrected the mistake at least. Barrage incoming!

(Side Note: This got beat out for Play of the Game by that very same McCree I neglected to blow off the face of the map. It was not as impressive as this highlight. I take that as my punishment for not giving him a concussion grenade to the face. We won the match though.)

X-Ray Detonation

This moment is just an example of everything coming together at the right moment.

In quite possibly the most rudimentary form of an attack/defend objective I’ve ever seen, every so often you run into a bunch of enemy players grouped up in one small corridor. What do you do when you know that both teams are grouped up in one place? Blindly toss as many grenades in the place as possible and see if you get anyone.

This is exactly what I did after I saw my teammate go down right in front of me. I knew there was way too many of them there, considering how fast that teammate went down. Screw that, just throw a grenade and hide.

The fact that someone on the team activated an assist ability that locates enemies through walls was just further confirmation that that thermal detonator was indeed mine, and you get to see just how it flings their lifeless bodies all over the place in a spectacularly hilarious fashion.

5 in 30

This moment, man, I got lucky. Keep in mind I’m laughing my butt off the entire time in this video after the first kill.

I’m pretty sure at least one of the guys I killed at the 0:15 mark was just spawning in on the control point, or at least on a squadmate, and was met with a face-full of bullets that sent him to a premature respawn.

After I ran back into the house, I made the mistake of firing like half of my clip at a dude I didn’t have a clear shot on. Luckily, he didn’t even acknowledge me for who knows what reason.

The melee kill on the guy running into the house was actually pretty hilarious. I have to give myself a pat on the back for that one.

What put the icing on the cake is the guy I was originally chasing after gave me enough time to load in a new magazine and then run back out of the house and smoke him before he even had a chance to jump into his boy’s ride.

At least three separate times in the video I could’ve died, but the enemy’s lack of staying aware of me worked in my favor, I guess.