From Gang Member to Prostitute: The Interesting Story of Giovanni Rebolledo

The Criminal Justice System transcends itself all the way across the globe from places like Los Cabos, Brazil to crime infested regions like Johannesburg, South Africa. Today, we journey to the country of Columbia in South America where gang activity and gang affiliation has become a lifestyle for most. For former Colombian gang member Giovanni Rebolledo, “transitioning” through gang culture has been a bumpy road. In 2012, Giovanni Rebolledo was sentenced to sixty years in jail for his ties to the Colombian gang “Los Topos”. This gang is regionally known for its involvement with kidnappings, robberies, extortion operations, and drug dealings throughout Columbia. Before being sentenced for his involvement in these crimes, Giovanni, whom some may also know as “Rosalinda”, went to extreme measures to avoid capture. After being sentenced, Giovanni decided that his best bet would be fleeing the country of Colombia and getting a sex change to virtually become unrecognizable to police.

Rebellodo spent over $18,000 on his sex change which included breast augmentation, a butt lift, and rhinoplasty. All these procedures combined turned former gang member Giovanni Robedillo into Colombian buxom prostitute “Rosalinda”. In fact, prostitution in Columbia is very legal. However, in order to prevent the amount of prostitution that occurs in Columbia the Colombian government has set up prostitution zones. These are areas were private sex workers and erotic sex businesses can operate legally. Therefore, at the time of Rebolledo’s arrest prostitution was legal. Rebolledo was arrested in  made the mistake of prostituting outside of a prostitution zone. During a routine patrol of the streets of Barranquilla, Colombia he was later captured. He was found wearing a tight pink shirt, a short skirt, and identified himself to Colombian law enforcement as “Rosalinda”. After being brought into custody, Rebolledo’s fingerprints were taken. Rosalinda’s fingerprints were found to have matched the fingerprints of former Los Topos gang member Giovanni Rebolledo. He was then sent to jail and is currently serving his original sentence.

After analyzing and thinking about Rebolledo’s story, I found it extremely bizarre for him to go to this length to avoid serving a sixty-year sentence. Rebolledo’s best option, in my opinion, would have been to stay off the grid and hide out in the caves of San Gil, Colombia. It’s less expensive and does involve any form of surgery! Law enforcement would have never had a clue to look their and Rebolledo could have still continued his gang activity. In addition, I was never able to find out, through my research, if Rebolledo lived as a homosexual prior to his sex change. I assumed probably not due to gang life and being accepted within his gang. Even after coming to that assumption,  his true sexuality is still questionable. If avoiding law enforcement means getting a sex change, even as a heterosexual male, than Rebolledo’s actions are bold. Personally, I would never in a million years think of ever changing my sex in order to escape jail. I would rather maintain the dignity that I have for myself and serve jail time than hide as someone I am truly not. The criminal justice system and law enforcement are smarter than many may think so getting away with a crime is actually somewhat difficult. In Giovanni Rebolledo’s case, it may have been much easier due to the underdevelopment of Columbia’s law enforcement. Certainly, Giovanni Rebolledo has taken being a wanted criminal to a whole new level. To my common readers, legal fanatics, and my future criminals who are willing to risk it all if it means escaping jail just ask yourself… how far would you go?

Works Cited

Anderson, Steve. “Escaped Colombian Gangster Undergoes Sex Change and Dresses as a Woman.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 9 May2013,

Delfiner, Rita. “World’s Breast Disguise.” New York Post, New York Post, 10 May 2013,



8 thoughts on “From Gang Member to Prostitute: The Interesting Story of Giovanni Rebolledo”

  1. This post was extremely interesting and informative. My mom loves watching “I (Almost) Got Away With It” on the Investigation Discovery channel, but I have never heard of a story this bizarre! This is a great post!

  2. Sounds legit.
    Don’t how you found this story but I love it. I like the way the story flows, almost read like a newspaper except it was funny.
    Only thing I could maybe say is change your theme, this one kinda looks like a website from 2006.

  3. I love your topic and the writing itself; however, I think that your theme could be strengthened. The contrast of the yellow and teal makes your site appear dated. Another thing you could do regarding formatting is move your works cited to the bottom of the article

  4. Here’s a thought. Maybe Rosalinda is a transwoman who used the opportunity of being convicted of a crime to transition and live as her true self. And sadly prostitution is the only work a lot of trans women can get.

  5. i would just like to say it is a mad thing to do,rosalina looks very nice.but hey will rosalinda in a mans prison or a womans prison?

  6. A 60 years sentence in a prison, regarding the age, is nearly a lifetime punishment. Most likely a Columbian prison isn’t a pretty place where you like to stay until the end of your time. Even thinking about staying there in custodie sends shivers down my spine. Laeve your life behind or hide and stay in a place you are familiar with, this isn’t an easy decision. And who looks for a woman when you are searching for a man and gang member. Maybe the decision also wasn’t only his or hers, as far as I know was she still “working” for her former gang.
    I would like to talk to her and find out what made her do the transition from male to female and maybe we should question a detention that gets someone to such a dramatic change. Changing gender is never “easy going” it is sometimes a great relief for persons born with the wrong body, but it never goes without psychological and physical pain.

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