“Jack The Ripper” : A Murderous Tale

We have probably all heard the story of Jack The Ripper. This tale is over a century old and the true identity of this killer still remains unknown to this day. These string of murders, in fact, occurred in the summer of 1888 in the Whitechapel District of London, England and have made this area infamously known for being the birthplace of the villainous British serial killer Jack The Ripper. This serial killer got his name from the gruesome way in which he would murder his victims. He targeted primarily prostitutes and he would kill his victims by first slashing their throats and then disemboweling them. Jack The Ripper took the lives of a total of five young women in the summer of 1888. In fact, the first person to fall victim to the wrath of Jack The Ripper was Mary Ann Nichols. This woman was found on her back with her throat severely slashed and her organs partially removed. This marked the start of the Whitechapel murders and the hunt for the infamous criminal mastermind behind these series of attacks. The second victim in this line of murders was Annie Chapman. Her throat had also been slashed, however, this time instead of removing her organs Jack The Ripper had removed just her womb. British law enforcement analyzed the way her womb had been removed and began to draw conclusions on who the suspect could possibly be. They believed that after considering the manner in which her womb had been removed the only person who could have performed this act was someone in either the medical field such as a doctor or someone with extensive anatomical knowledge of the human body. The third victim, Elizabeth Stride, was different from the last two as only her throat had been slashed and her organs had been left intact. Authorities theorized that someone had intervened in Stride’s killing, therefore, helping explain why Jack The Ripper was not able to complete this killing as he intended. The fourth victim on the list was Elizabeth Eddowes. Jack The Ripper had slashed her face and throat, removed her uterus, and had both of her kidneys expelled. Ripper’s last and final victim was Mary Kelly and she had been murdered more violently and brutal as the rest of the victims. Kelly was found with her throat slashed, was disemboweled, and she was even skinned from head to toe. Eight suspects were found by police as the person behind these crimes, however, none of them were convicted. Eyewitnesses at some of the crime scenes claimed that Jack the Ripper was a man, however, some theorize that Jack The Ripper could have possibly been a woman which also helps explain why she was able to stay under the raider and avoid police for so long. The killer behind the Whitechapel murders may forever remain unknown. Jack The Ripper’s letters to police will forever make him a staple in crime history as they were extremely trivial and misleading. The story of Jack The Ripper even today still continues to fascinate me even to this day. Without modern cameras and technology, cases such as these have become very hard to solve. I strongly feel that today we as Americans take technology for granted as it has helped solve some of the most difficult of crimes.


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