Remote-Controlled Animals?


Besides just Iphones and general technology that is used daily, what else is there?  There are some really cool things that have been invented by new developing technologies–some very much like things you’d find in a Sci-Fi book or film: the one I’m covering today, is remote controlled animals and how they can be used for our benefit and whether of not this is actually ethical.

The first animal scientists started with was the rat.  By implanting electrode into the rat’s brain– “one in the brain region that senses reward or pleasure, and one each in areas that process signals from the rat’s left and right whisker bundles”–they can control the rat’s movements from up to 1,640 feet (500 meters) away.  So why would we ever need such a concept? Well, it could potentially save lives.  Since rats are relatively small they would be sent into the wreckage of a disaster, with a camera attached to them in order to locate missing persons.

Another development in this field is that scientists have done the same thing with pigeons.


Scientists accomplished this pigeon experiment by implanting micro-electrodes into their brains, just like they did with the rats. The remote control bird experiment follows was completed by the same team in which white mice with implanted micro electrodes were guided, because of this now some of the US military are considering using this technology to use birds to spy on their enemies. the US navy also hopes one day to use such implants to exploit sharks’ natural ability to sense delicate electrical gradients and follow chemical trails left by a vessel. A Telegraph article claims, “Swimming in a ship’s wake, a remote-controlled shark could track an enemy vessel’s movements without being noticed, and under its own power.”

It’s really amazing all the kinds of things technology can accomplish. In the future we may be able to use this technology with animals in order to help and even save soldiers or missing people; the only point against this is whether or not it is ethical to the animals. But, regardless of if it is or not, it remains astounding what we can do with technology.


2 thoughts on “Remote-Controlled Animals?

  1. Wow it’s amazing how technology can reach into all areas of life… Does this harm the animals at all?

  2. This is really interesting that you posted this considering what my civic issues blog is about (animal rights). One of the blogs I’m going to write about is the ways in which animals are used for experimentation, whether it be in the sort of way you discussed above, or things like cosmetic testing. I truly do understand the gains in science to be made; however, I have a hard time swallowing what this puts animals through (I think it’s pretty clear where I stand). I wonder if there are other ways that we could do similar things without the use of live animals, or if this is just the easiest way? I appreciate you staying objective, but I’d be curious to hear your opinion on the matter.

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