Tag Archives: #WIP

End the Stigma: Bringing Truths of Mental Illness to Light

The topic of my persuasive essay and advocacy project is Mental illness and bringing awareness to this silent killer. The first part of my paper will cover the prevalence of mental illness and de-myth certain views that some people have, such as, everyone who has a mental illness is diagnosed; unfortunately only 36 percent of people with a mental illness receive treatment. I bring to light the truth that, the fact that many people with a mental illness are not diagnosed make the public think it isn’t as serious as a problem as it is.
Next, I will continue by discussing the media’s role in creating stigma against mental illness which most people–who do not have a mental illness–do not even notice. Not only does media in general create stigma, but some of the most watched, such as Disney movies, who create stigma in the brains of children. A 2004 study in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry found that a total of 85% of Disney animated films contained references to characters with mental illness. Most of the characters referred to as mentally ill serve as objects of derision or amusement. This stigma that stems from the media places a barrier in front of any one who would talk about their mental illness, they feel uncomfortable talking about it and refrain from seeking out the help that they need, which then in turn can turn into suicide.
My next point will be about how even with our society’s strong desire to have complete equality, some groups are left out–in this case. For example here at Penn State there was a mental awareness October 21-25 2013, but not many people actually knew about it. I may also use other group of people to compare, such as African-Americans and LGBTA communities and how they were, and still are discriminated against and how I believe Equality should be increased for those who are mentally ill and to spread the awareness of the seriousness of the issue.
After that I will throw in a section about why I personally care for this issue, using the personal experience of my family and friends who have gone/are going through this. I hope this will increase the pathos in my essay. Also, I will emphasize that everyone should care to and restate the stats that one in four in their lifetime will go through a mental illness.
Lastly I will specifically state how people can help reduce the stigma and allow for a more open communication between those who have a metal illness and those around them. I will throw in some myths here that people have about those with mental illness and offer solutions, such as constructive ways to discuss mental illnesses with a friend or how to spot warning signs of a worsening of a mental illness. My goal here is to get people to realize mental illness is just that–an illness. Some people may view illnesses like depression as in their control, when it is not. I aim to get more people to understand that people with mental illnesses are not any less “normal” than everyone else, they are just ill, and that blaming someone does not help. The best way for anyone to be supportive to someone with a mental illness is to realize their illness is out of your control (unless you are a certified doctor), and the best and most helpful thing to do is to offer acceptance and support because most people with a mental disorder expect their friends to do the exact opposite and leave. When people who desperately need help are left feeling like this, it’s no wonder so many lives lost because of it. That is something we need to change.

Persuasive Essay and Advocacy

For my paper/advocacy project(s), I want to write about mental health awareness. I feel like everyone everywhere is worried about the physical health of others–especially for those with serious physical disabilities. I don’t usually feel many people are concerned with those with mental disabilities/disorders, which are usually just as bad, if not worse than many physical disabilities. As well, from knowing many personal friends who have mental disorders, I know there is not an openness about talking about mental illnesses and therefore many people who have them feel like “freaks” because there is a lack of knowledge about these diseases and so those who have them feel uncomfortable talking about it. Keeping quiet about these things is the very last thing they should be doing.
Really I am extremely motivated to write about this–mainly because I have known many people to have mental illness, even very severe cases which have become suicidal at points. I have heard form some friends how it feels for them to go through all that they do and I know there needs to be a change in our society to fix this. If people who crucially need help don’t feel comfortable sharing, they will most-likely keep quiet and there condition will worsen for them, it can be fatal. Not only do more people need to be informed with it, they need to be taught how to be a support group for those going through it. I’m not sure how exactly I will format this, but I just know this is a very important topic for me–especially being a (an English and) Psychology major and, like I said before since I have friends who suffer through it.

This I Believe Workshop Feedback

The TIB workshop we did in-class on Wednesday was very helpful for me.  It was even more helpful because of the fact our groups were divided by theme, so we could work with similar ideas as everyone else in our group.  I generally enjoy group peer-reviews because it’s always useful to have a set (or multiple sets) of new eyes looking at your work.  I received specific feedback from my group on specific things I need to work on:

Firstly my group told me that in my TIB I needed to clarify the relationship between pride and failure so the reader could have a clearer picture of the image.  I think I will improve this aspect of my TIB by giving pride a metaphoric image to go along with the whole arrow metaphor.

Another tip given to me was to give one or two specific personal example(s) instead of just mentioning a few vague instances. Along with this came the idea to concise the  middle paragraph to give me more space to write some more within the 500 word limit while still maintaining the same idea.  Through all the feedback I received I know I can improve my TIB; I would consider this workshop a success and would also recommend it as a way to peer-review in the future.