You’re Fired : Midterm Election Edition

In this year’s glorious midterm elections, the Democrats flipped 39 seats in congress, taking the majority. It wasn’t quite the blue wave we’ve been working for, but gridlock is better than having atrocious and terrifying policy after policy being passed. Gridlock, to put it biased and partisan terms, is when the Republicans refuse to compromise with reasonable Democratic policy.

I’m sorry, but the Democrats don’t propose legislation that could ruin the lives of poor people, POC, women, and the LGBT+ community, but the Republicans do so it would be like compromising on what its morally right and wrong. Democrats didn’t need to reach across the aisle for Trump’s ridiculous budget that gave billions of dollars in tax breaks to the rich, and it’s good we didn’t; We shouldn’t have compromised on the ACA because we could’ve had something closer to single payer had we not; We don’t need Chuck Schumer offering 1.6 million dollars to Trump’s xenophobic wall dream as a pacifier because any compromise is a betrayal of voter trust.

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This is not a new concept though; Obama’s last six years in office were characterized by him not being able to pass a lot of meaningful legislation. Of course, when Republicans talked about him, like my high school history teacher, they talk about Obama like an action-shy, over-thinking, useless Democrat who didn’t do anything good for this country. It’s funny how they leave out the part where Republicans blocked literally everything he tried to do. We got a bare-bones healthcare plan that was branded ‘Obamacare’ to attract the blind support of oppositional, Republican, racists looking for any reason to hate Obama.

It’s also funny how they ignore the huge strides in domestic policy he made; A successful president is not defined by success in war. Republicans seem to think Obama not having a scandal during his two terms was unimpressive and no indicative of Obama’s good character, but try and name a president who didn’t have any at all and get back to me.

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Well, GOP, it’s our turn. Here is a comprehensive list of every Republican incumbent that lost his or her seat to a Democrat or Independent party candidate. I am happy to tell you, only four female incumbents lost their jobs – The rest were middle aged white men.

Let’s start with Congress:

  1. John Culberson of Texas since 2001
  2. Pete Sessions of Texas since 2003
  3. Pete Roskam of Illinois since 2007
  4. Randy Hultgren of Illinois since 2011
  5. Mike Coffman of Colorado since 2009
  6. Leonard Lance of New Jersey since 2009
  7. Erik Paulsen of Minnesota since 2009
  8. Jason Lews is Minnesota since 2017
  9. Kevin Yoder of Kansas since 2011
  10. Kevin Rothfus of Pennsylvania since 2013
  11. Dave Brat of Virginia since 2014
  12. Barbara Comstock of Virginia since 2015
  13. Scott Taylor of Virginia since 2017
  14. Carlos Curbelo of Florida since 2015
  15. Dan Donovan of New York since 2015
  16. Claudia Tenney One Term Tenney of New York since 2017 (She was my congresswoman and I quite literally worked to get her fired, so this is a personal win for me)
  17. John Faso of New York since 2017
  18. Steve Russel of Oklahoma since 2015
  19. David Young of Iowa since 2015
  20. Steve Knight of California since 2015
  21. Dana Rohrabacher of California since 1989 (See ya Republican foothold)
  22. Mike Bishop of Michigan since 2015
  23. Karen Handel of Georgia since 2017
  24. Mia Love of Utah since 2015
  25. Bruce Poliquin refuses to concede and is throwing a real-life, real-time hissy fit so this one is pending. Keep Maine in your thoughts.
  26. You old bags won’t be missed. Enjoy retirement.

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We lost the Senate, but we also lost Dean Heller of Nevada since 2011. Only two incumbent governors lost their seats. Farewell Scott Walker of Wisconsin since 2011 and Bruce Rauner of Illinois since 2015. You all sucked to put it nicely.

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