Humor is an essential component of Shakespeare’s tragedies; It gives us a break from intense emotion. SNL is an essential part of American politics because both major parties have flaws that humor helps us to process. And yes I am calling American politics a tragedy.
I drew my inspiration from SNL and The Onion, and I would like to share some of my favorite SNL skits with you.
SNL Cold Opens have to be my favorite things to go back and watch on YouTube. After the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, a lot of Americans were distraught, but this clip helped us.
SNL showed their audience how Bush was trying to scare the United States by having Will Farrell do an impeccable impression of him talking about, “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” When he ordered a military strike on Iraq, Americans were either in blind support or were outraged about how wrong it was.
They showed us how dumb Sarah Palin was by having Tina Fey mock her Alaskan accent, and literally quoting her. It was funny to see someone smart say something so absurd.
Kate McKinnon’s chilling resemblance to Jeff Sessions gives us a break from how absolutely terrifying he is. This is my favorite because he’s finally cancelled.
Weekend Update is the only acceptable biased news source in my opinion.
I won’t list every influential SNL skit, but humor is an effective way to discuss politics, and really anything in general. I have a hard time being serious, and these blog assignments have given me the perfect opportunity to talk about my personal opinions without having to remain 100% factual all the time. Obviously, I would never argue politics or write a paper using this kind of rhetoric, but I will continue to write these blogs because they are cathartic and useful.
Humor is an essential part of appealing to people because it makes you and your idea appealing and relatable. I can’t think of a purer way to spread your opinion or teach a lesson than with humor.