Our Father


   “Our Father” was a hard poem for me to write. Not only is it longer than many of the poems I have written before, but its incorporation of existing text made the choices in language much more difficult. Every section of the poem had to incorporate a line at the start of the section. This meant that every section had to connect topically and fit the flow. I tried to vary the strategy used in each section as well. In several locations, I used reputation of a word, while in others places I repeat an entire phrase. In many of the places that I did not use repetition, I utilized similar sounding words (made more similar by pronunciation). Outside of all the similar phrases, words, and sounds, I also played on the prayer format. I utilized phrases and language typical of a formal prayer. In the final section of the poem after I have gone through the entirety of the prayer, I decided to utilize a call back by incorporating lines from the prayer in the wrap up. I further made reference to faith by discussing the bread and wine used in the Eucharist and ending the poem with amen. I am not quite thrilled with some of the smaller phrases and word choices. I think I may change a few lines in later readings, but it is in an acceptable state for now.

      Although this was a technically difficult poem, it was also an emotional poem to write. I am a practicing Catholic and was raised as such, but it is impossible for me to blindly follow anything. I have questioned my faith for a very long time, especially when I hear and see sad and evil things. This questioning has sometimes put me at odds with other members of my faith. My own self doubts and the disagreements with the Church sometimes forces me to make decisions or judgments that I look back on poorly. This poem takes all the anger, sadness, fear, and disappointments and directs it towards God, but in the end its an admittance of weakness and vulnerability. It is a dependence on God to survive that brought me to write this poem. I am a man of science. I study astronomy. I base decisions on data. Faith should not be a factor in my life, but it is. God is my comfort and my rock. Whenever I find my mind wandering to the dark parts of life, it is God that pulls me back. That is what really shines through in my final statements of the poem, “Although I may doubt / Although I may fear / May my faith be strong and my prayer be clear / Amen Amen / I say to you Amen.” It is my final plea. It’s the whole purpose of my poem.

      Whatever you may believe, this poem is a call to hold firm to your beliefs. Whether this means hold to morality or to faith is up to you. It is a call to take all the bad in the world, all the pain and accept that it happens. It is a call to be open to questioning yourself, but not giving up on who you are as a person. If nothing else, I hope this poem left you and all other listeners to know that it’s okay to doubt and okay to accept that your beliefs are okay.

One thought on “Our Father

  1. Wow, that was such a powerful poem! I really like how you took a prayer, one many Christians see as absolute and a strong reassurance of faith, and added in the doubts, anger, and sadness that is a part of being human. You do a great job of sectioning the prayer and adding emotion while keeping the poem flowing smoothly. I also like how you explained how, why, and what to take away from the poem. Your honesty makes the explanation is just as powerful as your poem. Great job, I really enjoyed both your poem and explanation!

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